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M78 finally


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When the celestial sculptor created the constellation of Orion he was in supreme form but he needed an old dusty store room to keep his spare stuff, this is the M78 region, a mish mosh of glowing hydrogen, dust and stars scattered in an untidy heap. Well that's my impression after spending a few hours processing the data!

This was captured over several nights in January and February.

Scope: Tak FSQ 106

Camera@ QSI 532 wsg

Baader LRGB filters all through an IDAS LP filter

Lum 18x10mins RGB 5x10mins unbinned and 5x3mins binned x2

Captured, calibrated and stacked in Maxim and completed in PS

At first I thought the red glow at the bottom right was light from an LED and removed it with gradient exterminator. It's actually the edge of Barnard's Loop!


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