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IDAS LP- first light

Vali x

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hello boys and girls ! i was so tired of waiting for warmer days, so i decided to take out my scope on saturday. temp was around 0 dgr C. not bad. after having a power tank failure in the first 15 minutes of my session, i decided to unblock the holding clamps and to a "manual" move of my scope. the main reason was also to test my new IDAS LP filter. well, THAT WAS MONEY SPENT WISE !! i live in a very polluted city, in the middle of an industrial park. the first thing that capture my attention is how black was the background while using the filter.i wonder how the filter will perform in a dark sky!! cant wait!! i never seeing Orion nebula that way(i am aware that using an UHC filter it will give me another WOW...but it's on my Xmas list)! a big WOW. i used my hands to see also the Pleiades, Jupiter and several other stars-but no DSO; not having any "juice" to properly use my scope, this is just a "raw" session. i hope in the future to pay more attention at my power tank.

i will come back with a more accurate feedback, but i was very anxious to test the filter.

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My Favourite LP filter I have it in 2" and The MFA (in camera body slimline 1.25" ) formats I have quite a selection (BP Neodymium, Astonomik CLS & CLS-CCD, Lumicon Ultrablock) until I bit the bullet and went with Steve's recommedation and got the IDAS... It produces hardly any colour cast...


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