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First view of Saturn!

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Just got my first view of Saturn since getting a scope in Jan! Well worth the wait! Just in time too as first the dew struck and then the clouds rolled in!

Definitely need to invest in a dew shield.... Does anyone have any advice on whether or not I should I allow the lens at the front of the mak to dry before putting the cap back on? If so what's the best method?

I've pointed the scope downwards for now and left cap off so it doesn't gather dust..... not sure if this is necessary?

Any advice would be appreciated


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HI Joe,

Its very important to let the optics dry out completely before capping ,if not mould can attack glass surfaces.You could maybe fashion your own dew shield out of cardboard,until you buy a proper one.A hair dryer is also handy while out observing for drying telescope optics and eyepieces but be careful using the mains outdoors late at night when its damp.I got zapped recently from a faulty hairdryer cable,not nice!:)

Regards Les.

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I agree with Les and keeping the scope facing down (if no cap is used) inhibits dust from collecting.

As for your first observation of Saturn, the view is indeed awesome. Now all you have to do is keep observing it for the next 17 years to see a complete ring position cycle like I have. I love the ring all the way up and edge on views. :)

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Thanks for the response. I popped out this morning and picked up a foam camping mat as suggesteed. A bit of DIY with a stanley knife and some velcro strapping and the finished article seems perfect. Thanks for advice.

I've noticed there seem to be specs of what appears to be grease on the front lens....(although I'm worried now it could even be mould as mentioned by Les E!!).

Anyone got any suggestions on a cleaning product? Or would any quality glass cleaner and cloth do the trick?


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