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Fastest usable frame rate for spc900

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Does anyone know the fastest frame rate that can be used on the spc webcam?

I'm tryin to get a snap of the ISS, 25fps gave a few blurred lines

What frame rate could I use, and what would the impact be of selecting too high a frame rate?



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As far as I know, 5FPS is the fastest without compression, the faster you go, the more compressed it gets and the worse the image, but the more frames you have of course, with 10FPS considered the sweet spot, i.e. double the frames of 5FPS and not too compressed.

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I have only used it for guiding, but so far, from what i've seen, 5fps is good, 10fps is still quite good, 15 fps if it's an emergency, anything higher is what i'd call a waste of time if you want a clear uncompressed pic.

but as the ISS moves so darn fast, you might have to go for even higher fps though, unless you're somehow able to track it perfectly.

as for the highest possible FPS, i guess it support up to 90 fps, but don't expect anything even close to a clear picture from that.

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  • 3 weeks later...


Chris. I am sure by now you must have succeeded in getting ISS transit photo. Just to share my experience with you-

Starfields :: Solar Transit of International Space Station ( ISS ) picture by debasisslg - Photobucket

the fast passing object ISS, that moves entire solar or lunar disc (30minutes) in 1/2 sec, needs extremely short duration of shutter opening. My images are of 1/1600 sec. This will further go up in case you increase the EFL of the optical system while shooting. I was using around EFL 2000mm.

I dont know whether SPC 900 allows this kind of high shutter speed or not. An approximation can be done by shooting a blade of a fan running at low and known rpm with this SPC 900. With the the blurr angle of a single blade, its shutter speed can be determined.



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After trying at 15fps pushing the dob and only getting a few blurred frames, I decided to crank up the frame rate to 35fps and use my startravel 120 on an alt/az3 with a x2 barlow, still manually "tracking".

I managed to get about 200 frames with the ISS on the chip coming towards me and 200 going away. This image is the best 60 frames stacked in registaxx, a quick wavelet tweak and saved at 150%, it's a bit noisy but i'm quite pleased with it....


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