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First Sight of Jupiter


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I'm very excited.

I'm looking to buy an 8" SCT, and my friend, who has one, invited me round on Saturday to do some viewing. Luck was with us as after a little cloud it cleared. We saw a few sights, Pleiades, Mars, Betelegeuse and M42. The star for me though (if you'll pardon the pun) was Jupiter. I could see 2 brown bands across the surface and 4 moons really clearly!

I currently have a small Newtonian and although images are good, this has made me realise what I am missing. I can't wait to get out for another viewing.

If anything it has intensified my passion for Astronomy.

Just thought I'd share. Sorry for the self-indulgence... :)


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Hey Smudgens!

Nothing self indulgent about it! As well as sharing your own astronomy experiences, hearing others reporting back is always interesting :)

I was blown away by just seeing banding on Jupiter, but observing it more often shows you the Great Red Spot and moon transits. Must admit, when I saw Io's shadow drifting over the clouds of the planet, I went into a childlike state of frenzied excitement. Space is sweet :icon_scratch:

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Good on you for sharing. It's certainly a special thing to see Jupiter for the first time. I was amazed the first time I saw it at how much detail was visible. Wait until you see Saturn! Sounds like you've got the bug!

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I've definitely got the bug. My friend (where I had the viewing on Saturday) and myself are going to attend our first viewing night at our local Astronomical Society (North Essex Astronomical Society) on Saturday 25th February. We're both very excited. I hope that we don't get the dreaded cloud curse, as they have some large telescopes to view through. I'm looking forward to talking to experienced people and starting my astronomy education.


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I had my first sight of Jupiter on Monday evening and it was simply magical. The wife was most impressed as well. I could see the bands clearly and it just took my breath away. Only downside was the clouds rolled in soon after and I cant wait to see it again.

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Looking at her tonight. Can only see the one band though, running N to S - or whatever! The moons are odd though, I dont know if it's my set up or the 4 are in pairs?? There's 2 pairs one on front of the other, both sets on the same side.

edit - Just checked on Stellarium - they are indeed coupled up :icon_scratch:

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I just saw jupitor and its 4 moons and jupitor was following the moons like in an offset rectangle then her :icon_scratch:, couldnt really see the rings. but i only have the lens that came with my Skywatcher Explorer 130 :)

Sorry my first ever experience. also saw mars... ( hard to find it to beginwith. but then i get the nack of it. :)

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Fantastic... My wife takes the mick out of me and calls me a Star twitchier but I showed her Jupiter with (I think) 4 moons the other night and even she had to say it was impressive :(

Still playing around to get a good view of the rings though :p

Chuffed from Newcastle LOL :mad:


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yo, certainly certainly gets the wow factor. We've had queues waiting for a look at the local group. It's great to see reactions, even when you point out planets by eye.

First week of March Mars will be ace. It's getting better.

We're lucky at the moment to have Jupiter, Venus, Uranus,Saturn and Mars to see.

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I was bowled over when I saw Jupiter (albeit with no surface detaill) and its 4 moons through my 114m newtonian. But then when asking about eyepieces here on the SGL forums I was advised to look at upgrading to a 6" or 8" dob - which upon investigation I found aren't too pricey - and I can tell you, hearing of your experience only pushes me further in that direction!

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  • 2 weeks later...
An 8 inch SCT is a great all rounder. If you do buy one I'm sure you will be happy.

Sent from my A501 using Tapatalk

Agreed. I never felt like i was about to crash land on the Moon until i viewed it with my 8SE. I mean a single large crater taking up the whole of my FOV (6mm EP i think)

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