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Difference between 2 Baader UHC filters


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I've just seen these 2 filters advertised for DSO viewing, but they are of quite different prices. Can anyone tell me if and what the difference is between the Baader UHC S Nebula, LPR filter 2 inch, 50.8mm and the Baader Planetarium UHC S, L Booster Nebula filter 2 inch, 50.8mm.

Is there really a reason to spend an extra £25 for the L booster one or are they essentially the same.

I currently have a Baader Neo & IR Moon/SkyGlow Filter 2" on its way, but would love to do some better DSO obs, should I get a UHC?

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Can't say I know the differences exactly, but your best bet would be to find transmission diagrams and compare. For example, some manufacturers have several UHC filters, some quite narrow, others a bit more wide band - which are more suitable for small aperture scopes. So it isn't just "which is best", it's more of a "which is best combined with my scope" case. Hopefully someone else will be able to offer more specific help.

Clear skies.

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Thanks John and Newman, I have tried some digging but am not too good with understanding absorption spectra! So I am still at a loss as to what the L booster filter offers and have not been able to find any suitable reviews. CN has the basic UHC-S review but not this other one!

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Interesting to note this thread is almost 2 years old with no result, I have also tried the fruitless search for spectral comparison between these two and have come to the conclusion the may not be a difference, at least one that can been seen. I think I will plump for the "old" version and save a few quid.

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