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Registax 6 not setting alignment points

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Hi all,

I've obviously done something!

I use Registax 6, and used to just click 'Set alignment points' and the software would automatically set the points. Now it say's alignment points at zero, and throws up an error message if I click the set alignment point button.

I can though come back into the software and manually set the points.

Is this a setting I've clicked? or do you think the software has become corrupted, so a fresh install is needed?

Many thanks

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If it helps, my Registax v6 settings are as follows:

Alignpoint Parameters

Min distance between: 10

Min distance from edge: 10

Intensity Selection: Default (Lo: 27 High: 230)

Weakest Threshold

Alignment Setup

Alignment box size: 30

Max alignment movement: 15

Limit Setup

Best Frames: 90%

Those usually pick up alignments even with my crappy video files.

Hope that helps,

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