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Dark site South Birmigham


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I'm struggling to find anywhere ideal to do some observing. I'm based in south Birmingham but I am willing to travel. So distance isn't really an issue. Obviously closer the better for convinance etc.

Anyone know of any decent sites in or around the west midlands?

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imjust south of brum , for nearest proper dark skies , id say head east into wales. where about do you live ?

sorry i re read your question "in and around the west midlands".

well there are darker skies in "the lenches area" which is south of redditch but north of worcester. im sure there are other good spots about, but proper dark skies ,wales is closest.

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Searching the above photo I did find clee hill in Titterstone, Shropshire. It's not far from Kidderminster, only 30 mile so shouldn't take too long.

Seems a nice place from pictures I've seen.

Be awfully lonely up there though, it's quite secluded..

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clee hill is fine facing west but there is a glow from kidderminster and bewdley however it is the best around unless you head further west and across the long mynd there are some very dark places around shropshire

And there's Clee Hill Plant Hire depot on top which insists on have having bright floodlights all night long (I know- I drive past twice a week). Brown Clee area might be better as it's more rural?

Brown Clee Hill - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

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Im in the process of finding some dark sky sites in/around Kidderminster/Bewdley, i live in Bewdley and have travelled to the top of Clows top which is literally 15mins from my house, and its DARK.....real dark.....(for a townie anyway!)

But its not somewhere id like to setup camp and start imaging.

If you find anywhere please let me know!

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hey ,white 230. i dont know if youve been to an astro society at all, but theres one in bromsgrove, just down the road from you. there meeting place is a darkish place and youll be gaining valuable knowledge . just a thought.

( this is from the man who keeps saying he's going to go along for the last 6 months! :D )

but i did meet one of the comitee while browsing at a space day event,they had a stall set up in droitwich .very friendly.

if that does'nt appeal, then looking at my l/p map ,your quickest route to darker skies is west.

Bromsgrove Astronomical Society

theres a link for the bromsgrove astro.

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oh, fair play mate. i know. i keep saying im going to go , but ive no confidence at all, and . when i read things like " if its cloudy we'll hold a talk in the blah blah room" i just dread getting lost in the maths and physics of the conversation.

the guy i spoke to rob,was a nice chap i must admit.

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I was worried myself at first in case it was all a bit too much. But it's explained very easily. There were a lot of visitors when I was at the last one so a lot of questions were being answered.

They also got their scopes out and I saw Mars, M42, Jupiter and 3 moons. Was an enjoyable night.

They have tea and biscuits :D

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I don't know if you would call it a 'dark sky site' but my partner (lawsio on SGL) and I had a very enjoyable few hours at Clent Hills last Saturday evening. For those not familiar with that part of the world it's between Halesowen and Kidderminster, WSW of Birmingham.

We parked on the road at Adam's Hill, Clent, by The Four Stones pub and walked a little way up the hill behind the pub to shield us from the street lights. The hill itself also gives good protection from the light pollution of Birmingham and other nearby towns. We had an excellent view facing roughly south with bits and pieces to the east, west and north although this was affected by trees and the hills.

It was our first proper night out with the scope (other than standing outside our front door!) and we managed to get quite a few star clusters as well as Andromeda (at the first time of trying!), the Orion nebula, Jupiter and Mars.... we succumbed to the cold at that point but stayed up at home to get our first view of Saturn!

There was no one else around on the hill but we felt safe as you're still not far from civilisation! Will definitely be going back there.

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Thanks 'gillipies' for the info. I've considered going to Clent hills myself but was unsure of how the surrounding areas would effect viewing.

Sounds like you had a good night up there. I'll certainly be paying Clent a visit now as it's only a 15 minute drive from my house. Hopefully I'll be as successful as you! Thanks

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  • 2 weeks later...

Head down the A34 stratford road, go through henley in arden and after that you come to a nice dark pocket, just small villages. I grew up there. Very reasonable dark skies, milky way is visible with naked eye.


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Head down the A34 stratford road, go through henley in arden and after that you come to a nice dark pocket, just small villages. I grew up there. Very reasonable dark skies, milky way is visible with naked eye.


Any particular spots that are suitable to observe?

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