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In a dilemma

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So after spendings weeks researching what my first telescope is going to be I decided on the Celestron Nexstar 127 SLT.. I now look to buy the scope off the net and nearly everywhere has it sold out.. Shops that do have it in stock are charging £50-60 quid more.

So I then looked at the Skymax 127 SynScan AZ GOTO and have seen its quite similar to the Celestron.

This is going to be my first scope so was wondering if you think I should wait until the Celestron is back in stock (at least 2-3weeks) or get the Skywatcher now?

Are they virtually the same scope?

Many thanks.

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As Peter says, the OTAs are identical, and the mounts are very similar, but not quite the same.

I use the Skywatcher, but have also heard that the Celestron goto is easier for the absolute beginner. Can't really comment, as I've never used one.

What put me off the Celestron was, at the time, it was supplied with a red-dot finder, compared to the Skywatcher's optical version - and I hate red-dot finders! Wouldn't have cost much to change afterwards, admittedly, but the Skywatcher was also cheaper. :icon_salut:

Can't say that I have ever had any trouble with the Skywatcher goto, so if you can't track down your preferred Celestron, I would say go for the Skywatcher. I'd be absolutely amazed if you were in any way disappointed.

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GoTo on the Celestron just aligns using any 3 bright objects, skywatcher requires you to know the names of what you are looking at to align. So for a noob like me the Celestron is great while I am learning my way around the night sky :icon_salut:

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Going to go for the Skywatcher I think.. Just for the fact I can get that one a lot quicker than the Celestron one as I can't wait to get out there!!

I've read tons of reviews and everyone is saying its the same scope apart from a little difference in the mount and the GoTo..

I watched a video on youtube on how the Skywatcher software works and I think I could get the hang of it. Seeing as I've spent past few weeks with binos I know my way a bit around the sky already!

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