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Study Astronomy via UCLAN


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Well I'm trying to fill in the application form and they want a reference!

Where on earth do I get a reference from?

I can understand it for school leaver because we all know some of them might sign up and then think sod it and stay in bed...but I'm pushing 40 and have a BSc HONS and an MSc already, I want to do this learn about my new hobby and see where it takes me. I already know what my commitment levels are like for learning, so where on earth do I get a reference from?

thanks :icon_salut:

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Did they ask for an academic reference? Surely if the course is for mature students/distance learning this shouldn't be necessary.

I'm studying Astronomy/Astrophysics with the Open University now, they didn't ask for anything of the sort when I signed up.

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It doesnt actually say academic, but it does ask a few question of the referee based on my ability to learn etc and it states not a friend or relative...well blardy hell my husband knows more than anyone in the world what my learning and commitment threshold is and he's the one who sees me outside in the garden at all hours! He's seen me go through an MSc and come out the otherside only relatively scathed haha

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It's a bit silly isn't it. I don't remember this from my various UCLAN courses and, like you, I have postgrad qualifications. Just ask any person with reasonable academic qualifications. You can be sure that UCLAN are asking for it because some box ticking managerialist organization which handles their subsidies requires them to ask. (These courses are well subsidized. You don't pay the full price.)

They are great courses run by a cracking staff. I really loved the ones I did.


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  • 1 month later...

Yeah same one. I bought the course book and it's quite overwhelming but thrilling also (if that makes sense). I've also applied for the cosmology one but not sure if I can manage them both. Holding hands and crying sounds like a perfect attitude.

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I havent yet bought the book, I'm going to kick and scream for it for my birthday. I'm actually quite nervous. I struggle to understand the basics of things let alone doing a uni module. I must be bonkers. I'll be crying a lot, so bring your hanky!

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Make sure you get the one with the cd-rom, it's about £10 more but the starry night software makes a lot of difference, you can download files for it from the publishers website that link with the coursework.

worth having a sneak peek at that website here

Universe 9e BCS

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Congratulations! Hope you enjoy it!

If it's anything like the OU courses, they'll be alot of work, but very well supported and very rewarding when everything falls into place. I'm currently on a Planetary Science module and I've had several eureka moments from staring at a page not understanding a thing, then suddenly it all makes sense!

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Not bad thanks, getting prepared for my dissertation year next year so there is light at the end of the tunnel. A bit strange doing it PT having done an FT MSc in Petroleum Geoscience previously, I am enjoying stretching the grey matter again though!

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