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Ding Dong!!


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You know, I'm not entirely sure I would want it. I'm not completely convinced that a GEM-mounted telescope that big would actually be particularly practical nor convenient to use, at least for visual. Could be good for imaging, but then I'd want another decent visual scope in an obsy and all of a sudden it's not that practical again.

If someone offered to exchange it for my last Rolo I'd certainly take it, but I'd probably remove the OTA and turn it into a big dob and put something else on the mount.


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looks amazing. personally for me tubes like this should be on dob mounts. that said if the seller (who I know to be spot on and 100% trustworthy) says it's tip top then it will be. he just needs the right buyer and it's a bargain.

I'd sooner have my 16" dob though.

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Put it this way, I had a 14" f/5 made for me by superscopes, whereby the original mirror set was from AE (1/10 wave) and the original skeleton tube was by Beacon Hill. I then got it remade into this (or very similar to this) ebay item by Superscopes with the Titan2, a tektron focuser, etc, I also think I recognise the end dust cap inner markings. It was a fantastic scope, but way too big for me when we moved from letchworth 6 years ago, when i got married, to scarbrorough. I never knew where it went after I sold it (possibly until now)! BTW If im right (ask the chap who is selling it if you know him) I still have a copy of Scope2.

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I have just sent you a pm. Yes I am certain this is your old scope, I only had a Letchworth phone number and could not track you down when I bought it. It's a magnificent instrument with excellent optics. Phil has serviced the mount and resprayed the counterweights etc. It is now ready for many years more service. It needs a roll off or roll away observatory, I think the picture I added to the advert yesterday was your original Observatory? It's amazing what you can find with a google search!

Anyone buying this scope will get a fantastic piece of equipment built by two perfectionists in Jim and Phil.


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Thanks to Kev I now have the computer control software for the mount. I have dropped the starting price to £2450 which for an instrument of this quality is very low. Just think how much a 1/10th wave 14" mirror costs!


I agree that it's hardly a huge amount of money for all the components.

I imagine the problem from the point of view of selling it is that these days relatively few houses actually have a garden big enough to house it and an observatory large enough for it. I suspect the set of people who satisfy the criteria:

a) interested in astronomy

:) have space for it

c) want an EQ-mounted telescope this big

d) have an obsy big enough, or somewhere to store it whilst they build one

e) have the spare cash to buy it, plus the cost of the obsy if required

f) have the means to move it

g) won't have to face a divorce as a result of buying it

is quite small.


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