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Which one to go for? Please help.

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Hi all,

I have a small reflector but would like to view more DSO's and get a better view of the planets and moon. I don't need imaging at this stage as I'd like to learn my way round the sky before I start trying to capture it. I'm looking at 2 Celestron's, the C8-SGT XLT and the Nexstar 8SE. They are both about the same price and essentially the same scope with different mounts. Which should I go for, and is there a better alternative for the same money?

I look forward to your advice.


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Between the two the 8SE will be easier and faster to set up.

I'm a bit biased, as I have an SE, so would suggest (seeing as you dont want to image) you go for the 8SE.

An alternative might be to consider a dobsonian (GOTO or otherwise...)

You could get a big 12" flextube GOTO scope for £1280.

Forego the fancy electronics and you could get a 14" flextube scope for £1290.

Maybe (my choice!) you might want to consider a monster binocular....

Either way, DSO's, planets and good old Luna await you. :icon_salut:

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Thanks for that. Portability will be important as I'll want to take it out more, which will probably rule out a large Dob. I think I'll stick with an 8SE and try and get out as much as possible and learn. Maybe in a year or so I'll get a nice HEQ5 Pro mount and have a look at imaging. Sadly I only have a flat so setting up in my back garden isn't an option.

Smudgens :icon_salut:

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A computerized alt-az SCT makes a really convenient, enjoyable visual setup. In order to make mine imaging-friendly I then went for a wedge and finally a de-fork and it was still not much of an imaging scope so I really wish I'd just left it as alt-az GoTo.


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An 8" SCT is a brilliant all-round visual scope. I have had mine for more than 15 years and still love it. Both the SGT and SE versions will deliver great performance. If you are going to use GoTo extensively, the SE is perhaps a bit easier to set up.

OK, now lets throw a bit of a spanner in the 8SE works :icon_salut:. At high magnification there will be a bit of a difference in favour of the SGT. The SGT has the more solid mount of the two, and will show a more stable image on planets (the SE mount is working at its limits on the 8" OTA). Some people are completely happy with the SE on planets, so it is by no means a serious problem, but the equatorial mount is the stronger of the two. I have a C8 on a Vixen Great Polaris mount (similar to the SGT). It takes me 5 minutes to set up for visual work. I have not set-up time for goto because my scope did not come with such a system, I just star hop. The nice thing about the EQ mount is on planetary and piggyback photography there is no field rotation. Nice in the planetary case, essential for piggyback. That for me was the main reason to go with the German equatorial mount, rather than a fork.

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Fair point Olly.

I'm relatively new to Astronomy so I know that I have a huge amount of 'the basics' to get through before I can start fully appreciating what I'm looking at! I think I've pretty much decided that the 8SE gives me the best combination of portability and viewing. I may never do any imaging, so This should keep me going for a while, until I crave a 16" Dob or something... :icon_salut:


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Thanks for the advice.

Scopes and Skies is only 30 miles from me so I'm going to go and have a proper look at all my options and then consider. I'm not going to rush in, which is why I'm grateful for any thoughts.

Smudgens :)

Well said; not rushing in is about the best bit of advice anyone could give when it comes to scopes :icon_salut:

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So far First Light Optics and Harrison appear to have a good reputation and reasonable prices, but I can't do a reccy at either of those. It's going to be a 'fondle' session, so that I can see how big and heavy these telescopes are. I'm really excited and I'm not even going to buy yet! :icon_salut:


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