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Could REALLY use some thoughts

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Hi guys

I have a 1000d which is damaged and is £180 to repair. I really would like to move to CCD & could afford a QHY8L at the end of the month.

I had picked out a QHY10 but its an extra £1000 and i can't really justify that this year, so......

Whats the better option? A fully working 1000d or a QHY8L (Forget the money for a sec), what will give me the best pictures? A 6mp CCD or a 10mp DSLR?

Is the QHY8L so much better that spending an extra £700 for 12-18months is worth it before upgrading to a 10 or something better?

Everytime i make a decision i end up talking myself out of it :D

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I can't help with any great expertise or experience, but I use a 350D and would also like to move to something like the QHY10 one day.

Therefore fix the 1000D and wait a year or so for the funds, at your age it'll be next year before you know it.

Bet there is so much you could still amuse yourself with using the 1000D, especially if you got yourself a nice (cheap) fast scope.

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What a predicament I feel for you its a tough decision.

My QHY8L comes tomorrow. I broke my 40d. My 40d repair bill was 300 unless I do it myself and its about 135 for a main board. Camera is only worth 300 so figured might as well invest in a CCD now. Could have waited and saved for a better one but when do you stop waiting and saving and start enjoying? Of course don't go wasting money if you're only likely to get one ccd then it might be best waiting.

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I have a 1000d which is damaged and is £180 to repair. I really would like to move to CCD & could afford a QHY8L at the end of the month.


Whats the better option? A fully working 1000d or a QHY8L

The short answer is that a dedicated astro CCD beats a general purpose DSLR.

However, a quick look at eBay's completed listings shows that broken 1000d's go for anything up to £100 - even when described as "won't power up". Whereas working ones sell for less that the £180 repair costs. So, either way, your camera sounds as if it's beyond economic repair.

I'm guessing, but it sounds like the fault is within the camera body - the lenses, battery/charger etc. all still working. Personally, I'd be inclined to buy a s/h 1000d body and sell off the dead 'un with whatever faults it has.

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You complete git.

Unfortunately, you're right.:D

Russell (Aged 40 1/2)


I'm ONLY 30(ish) LOL (Bad Pic)

Cheers for the replies guys, i think im going to go for a QHY8L and start saving for something bigger, as someone here said i can always sell the QHY8L once i'm ready to upgrade

"QHYL8 for sale, Mint Cond. 2 years old" someone would buy it.


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