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Lunar south pole 03/02/12


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Hi all

It's been a while since I have done any imaging and even longer since I have done any Lunar imaging but the moon looked stunning last night and I could not resist.:D

So here is a 14 frame mosaic taken with my DMK21/ 10" newt and 10mm EP with eyepiece projection.

3000 frames per avi, thrown into avistack and batch processed on default settings, wavelets applied through registax5 and then pieced together in imerge.

I also did a 100+ frame mosaic of the whole moon with an extended 2x Barlow but Avistack is still ploughing through them.

The image below is at 26% to fit onto SGL the full size image is here.

Thanks for looking



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Image scale, I get something around the same image scale as a 4 x imagemate with EP projection and a 10mm ep and it cost a lot less.

I use the skywatcher 10 mm EP that came with the scope and an EP projector that cost me around £10 2nd hand.

But as I have never had the opportunity to try an imagemate I can't be sure if I would get better results if I had one and as I am a deep space imeger at hart I can't justify getting one on to find out. :D


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Thanks guys.:D

I also had a bit of a zip around the usual targets with the 10mm ep.


"A bit of a zip around"!!!??? Blimey, I'd hate to think what level of detail a really serious session might yield...:clouds1:

Fantastic shots.

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