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Just purchased my first scope - did I miss anything?

Phil Hammond

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I've just gone and bought my first telescope :)

I'm excited now and wanted to tell someone so I've come here! I would go and tell the misses but its quarter to 5 in the morning and she's really not that interested lol.

I've opted for the Skywatcher Evostar 102 on an EQ3-2 mount. I've also bought the following;

Skywatcher moon filter 1.25

T adaptor

Canon EOS T Ring

Can anyone suggest any usefull items I may have missed? Should I get a barlow straight away maybe?

I'm going to use this as an introductory scope really, mainly for moon and planetary observing, but I added the camera fittings so I could test the water with it although I'm aware that it won't be the sturdiest mount and I also won't be able to track so I won't be too suprised if I don't get to photograph much!

Really looking forward to using it, I've just driven home from work and the moon looked absolutely stunning - hence the immediate purchase on walking through the door :)

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Nice scope you have got yourself. You have enough kit for a first session no doubt, though the stock 10mm is reported to be so-so in quality. Replacing that should be a priority. This does not have to cost the earth: a good Plossl is a very decent performer, except for those who observe wearing glasses (small eye relief).

Don't knock a slow system on deep sky, BTW, you just need longer focal length EP. My 25 ortho in my old 6" F/8 at 48x saw a lot of use in that field. Your 25 gives 40x, which is fine for many DSOs. If you put in a a Skywatcher Aero 40mm EP you get 2.72 deg field of view at 25x. That is excellent for DSO hunting, if the skies are up to it.

If observing moon and planets are your thing, getting good planetary EPs (need not cost the earth) is a better option than getting a Barlow (if you get one, it pays to get a good one). If your mount has an RA motor, adding a webcam and decent barlow could be a good start for planetary and lunar imaging. Deep sky is not really an option at F/10 (and requires a much better mount). Piggyback photography using a short, fast telephoto is a nice option however.

So you see, there is always room for more kit. The best advice is: use the kit you have, find out what you like to do most, and buy more stuff you find necessary.

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[quote name=

Don't knock a slow system on deep sky, BTW, you just need longer focal length EP. My 25 ortho in my old 6" F/8 at 48x saw a lot of use in that field. Your 25 gives 40x, which is fine for many DSOs. If you put in a a Skywatcher Aero 40mm EP you get 2.72 deg field of view at 25x. That is excellent for DSO hunting, if the skies are up to it.

If observing moon and planets are your thing, getting good planetary EPs (need not cost the earth) is a better option than getting a Barlow (if you get one, it pays to get a good one). If your mount has an RA motor, adding a webcam and decent barlow could be a good start for planetary and lunar imaging. Deep sky is not really an option at F/10 (and requires a much better mount). Piggyback photography using a short, fast telephoto is a nice option however.


Thanks for reply, ok so better EP's are definitely the way forward then. I think I'll go for some good planetary ones first then build around those.

Cheers for help!

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You missed something to keep the missus happy whilst you're out all night (and spending the house hold income!)!

I'm a missus and the hobby is mine so I cook his tea, give him a kiss, make promises then clear off out :)

Haha, good idea to keep the OH sweet I suppose!

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Hi Phil ....

I'm looking at getting the Evostar 90 and EQ3-2 mount, so I'd be interested in how you get on with yours.

BTW - Don't the Evostar range already come with a T-Mount fitted ?



Hi there, just in the process of putting it together this evening - I actually came on here to search for known problems with the intruction manual, the first few steps for the mount aren't even in English! (not for the EQ3-2 anyway , EQ5 mount instructions seems to be ok )

I'll report back once I've conquered it, not sure about the T-mount but you are probably right!


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Nice telescope :icon_salut:

Ask your supplier to change the Moon filter. The Skywatcher one is plastic, has a thick plastic rim and gives a green tint. It costs about a fiver to upgrade to a proper glass filter with a neutral density and metal rim and the views will be noticably better.


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Hi Phil ....

BTW - Don't the Evostar range already come with a T-Mount fitted ?



Quoted as having a direct dslr connection but this is only half the story as you need the T ring to attach between it and your camera. My 300p has a similar arrangement.

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Nice telescope :icon_salut:

Ask your supplier to change the Moon filter. The Skywatcher one is plastic, has a thick plastic rim and gives a green tint. It costs about a fiver to upgrade to a proper glass filter with a neutral density and metal rim and the views will be noticably better.


Thanks Steve, that is now high on my list of things to do; Get a better Moon filter!!

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Ahh this is how you multi quote!

Enjoy your new scope :) I wanted one of these but cant find the OTA on its own anywhere. Don't worry about rushing into buying things.. Im still finding my feet after 2 years! Just be prepared to become very poor if you're sucked in :(

I haven't even looked through my (still yet to be assembled) scope yet and I already know I'm going to get sucked in! With photography being my main hobby I know too well the temptations of wanting - no, NEEDING! - better optics and gear etc.. now I have Astronomy too, my misses is going to love me ha! :icon_salut:

If you don't already have it, I can recommend the Baader wonderfluid lens cleaner with cloth First Light Optics - Baader Optical Wonder Fluid

It's excellent for keeping your eyepieces clean, a photographic blower brush would also be a good investment for clearing away bits that get deposited on the eyepiece.

Thanks Jonathan I'll definitely look at getting the fluid and cloth, thanks for the handy tip! ;)

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Quoted as having a direct dslr connection but this is only half the story as you need the T ring to attach between it and your camera. My 300p has a similar arrangement.

I think what it is actually talking about is a camera mounting point that sits on top of the telescope rings, not an adaptor for the eyepiece end. The ST80 has this, took me a while to figure out that's what it meant.

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I think what it is actually talking about is a camera mounting point that sits on top of the telescope rings, not an adaptor for the eyepiece end. The ST80 has this, took me a while to figure out that's what it meant.

The mounting point that usually sits on top of one the Tube rings is for more-or-less any camera that has the standard photographic tripod fitting, and not just DSLRs.

The "Direct Connection" for the Evostar is discussed here :)


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