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Hi From newbee in Brighton


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Just a quick hello to all.

Been into space & science stuff for years after watching the Moon landing at junior school. Always wanted to stand on the Moon & look back at the Earth , never thought i'd be able to afford a decent scope to do it the other way round.

Took the plunge last year with a Celestron Nexstar 127 MAK & weather permitting (& neighbours as well), i get to see amazing sites from my back garden that no TV pics can match.

Anyway thought i'd better join some sites & say hello so i can share my joys & woes with like minded soles, & hopefully make some new friends into the bargain. :)

Thanks also to Darren at the Salisbury Star Party shown on Sky at Night vodcast. I hadn't even heard of star parties t'ill i saw this. I thought ,these look like the sorts of people i should get to know. So here i am , an old newbie, reaching across the ether in friendship & goodwill, so please be gentle with me.

Still coming to terms with all the terminology. :)

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Thanks guys for the warm welcome.

Didn't expect all this at this time of night, thought you'd all be scoping the sky. BTW Kris, amazing clarity you got on that pic,

no haze or light pollution. :)

How come with all the sodium street lights we've got in this country, the UK doesn't show up orange at night?

Just a thought. :)

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