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Evening Sky Gibbous Moon - 1st Feb


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Despite freezing temperatures I couldn't resist taking a shot of this evenings lovely gibbous moon. Seeing was pretty good, and as a result decided to shoot this using the 2.5x powermate instead of the 2x barlow. This is with the 70mm frac at f15, DMK31. A 6 pane mosaic assembled in Imerge. I used a Baader fringe killer in the optical train which has given me quite a bit more contrast than what I get without - definitely be using it from now on...


gibbous moon by Mark Townley, on Flickr

If you've got a big monitor the full size version can be found here >>> http://farm8.staticflickr.com/7149/6803232117_569424e6c3_o.jpg

Hope you like!

Mark :)

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Nice mosaic! My only advice would be to use an UV/IR cut filter if you have one, this will remove the halo effect around the limb and also increase constrast of features on the disk. The other thing would be to back off on the exposure a bit and you will find this shows more disk detail. If you have a histogram function in your capture software then use this to help you see whether or not you are over (or under) exposed.

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Just got round to processing these shots from the same night - taken with a 2x barlow and a 2.5x powermate stacked. Surprised they came out as well as they did. Maybe time to put a 5x powermate on the never ending shopping list...

First off a close up of the Appenines...


moon0006 by Mark Townley, on Flickr

Then a close up of the Straight wall...


moon0007 by Mark Townley, on Flickr

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