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I should probably introduce myself...


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Seeing that I've been on here a few days, pestering you good people for advice.

I'm Philip, live in central London where the seeing is oh so bad.

I was always into space and astronomy as a kid - got my first scope (a Tasco) when I was about 8 or 9.

Then I discovered girls and beer and other good stuff and lost the urge.

About 4 years ago I got a lovely Skywatcher 130p on a Supatrak mount from my family for xmas which made a lovely ornament for most of that time. however a steady diet of TV science and a latent interest in all things CERN etc. not to mention a fantastic wife who loves all of that stuff as much as me, encouraged me to try again.

This all culminated in a week of pure wonder with my wife, sister in law and brother in law at Les Granges with the rather awesome Mr Penrice from these here parts. (I can't recommend it enough. Seriously, it's marvellous.)

So recently, out came the newt...

...Only for the mount to fizz and die almost immediately on it's second use in anger... This was especially annoying as I'd just rather foolishly spent £500 I didn't have on an ex-display Vixen ED81s from Telescope Outlet. (But it was so pretty!) So presently I have 2 scopes and no mounts. D'oh!

So here I am, firstly to get advice, but hopefully in the long run to contribute, if only to add a voice to those of us who labour under orange skies.

I've already had some great advice from some of you (Celestron SLT not Skwatcher Synscan, 2" diag not 1.25" etc.) so thank you for that.

I'll be along to Astrofest next weekend, as I'm sure will some of you and if any of you are Baker Streeters, I'll hopefully see you at the next event. (Didn't want to go to January's as I had no desire to be on the BBC!)

Anyway, that's me. Hello!

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Thanks all. Nice to feel welcome.

By the way, to avoid any confusion, my surname isn't Hobbes. It's a nickname from another website (When Saturday Comes) that I joined years and years ago. it's after Hobbes from Calvin and Hobbes (who I happen to have a tattoo of.)

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Hi Philip and welcome to the forum. No need to apologise being a pest, we understand!:):D Glad you could join in on the fun and that's the thing to always remember - the joy of it all. We can easily get wrapped up in all the specifications of this, that and the other but at the end of the day it's all about just getting out there - even if you have no mount!:)

Clear skies for now


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