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A hey from Suffolk!


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Hey all, new here(:

Inspired by Brian Cox, I got a Celestron Astromaster 130EQ a few days ago, along with a 2X Barlow Lens and Moon Filter

I gave it a spin the other day and got some fantastic views of the Moon and Jupiter (complete with moons :D)

I was just wondering if you guys have any tips for a newbie like me just starting out? For instance what objects in the sky would make good starting points to observe?

Cheers, AZ

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Hi and welcome to the forum. As mentioned above Orion Nebula (M42) is a good choice and easy to find and of course there is Mars to look at too near the constellation of Leo rising in the East. In fact there are a number of objects along the bottom of Leo that are worth looking up on Stellarium mentioned above.

Clear skies


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