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Dew band positioning?

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I have the 12" lx200 I have made a dew band (resistor method) I would like to know where is best to position it? I was thinking directly behind the corrector, but I'm not sure if I should leave an inch or less maybe. Advice from someone in the know would be appreciated please.

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On my CPC, there is the cell that hold the corrector plate which is raised a little from the rest of the tube, I place it just behind there. You should be able to make out the position of the dew band from the first two pics in this post when I first acquired my scope.



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Thanks Brinders.

Thats exactly where i was going to pop it, i just wanted to make sure it was going to do the trick from their before i taped it into place, i was a little unsure if being that close to the corrector would maybe cause issues.

Thanks for the pics most helpfull.

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