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Need help IRIS

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Hello all. I just gor new ccd camera (my first one) QHY8 and i decide to take photo of Horsehead. First i made gain and offset settings like i was told (just ander 10000) and than i toke images.

The problem i get is the whole nebula is in green when i use IRIS. I was told to do flip horizontal, but i think i did. I was testing and testing some commands for it and i think that is this to flip all 17 pictures: >MIRRORX2 ll lll 17 ,( ll is name pictures after calibration (flat,dark,offset)).

Than i do sequence CFA and i can see that images gets green, but i hope will correct so i go further to stellar registration, offset normalization and than add sequence. After that i make >win for cut the "bad" frame out and i do 2 commands , which are : >black (on black part of image) and >white2 (on true white star).

After this i save it for PS5 like >savepsd2 horsehead and i go in PS to set right the levels. After that i get : http://shrani.si/f/44/oR/4xgErKiW/1/xy.jpg Please help me, i am stucked here 4 days.


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