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Alternative webcams?????

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I have read lots of reviews and seen lots of images using the SPC900 or 880 flashed but getting hold of one seems impossible as they are no longer made but still sort after.

Can I please have some opinions as to alternative but comparible webcams that can also be easily used and converted.

I don't want to spend a fortune as money is tight but it would be nice to have a good quality high res webcam.


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Ms HD life cam (there is a thread in the DIY section about modifying this webcam), Logitech Quickcam pro 9000 (a bit more complicated to modify),Trust Wb5400 I think is suitable.


http://ghonis2.ho8.com/Pro9000mod.html link to Modding Logitech 9000

http://homepage.ntlworld.com/molyned/web-cameras.htm more webcams

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