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Tripod for 15x70 Binos

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Hi there.

So recently I purchased the 15x70 Celestron Skymaster binos a few days ago.

Tonight was my first proper night of viewing with clear skies and I must say its brilliant.

I'm using these handheld at the moment and if I am trying to view something that is a bit more difficult it's simply not steady enough.

I was just wondering what tripod I should use with these?

I will only be using it in my garden so it doesn't have to be a super one.

Just one at a reasonable price.

I'm in the UK so if there is any on Amazon you guys can recommend then that would be great.. Oh, I think I will need a better tripod mount as well reading the reviews for the plastic one, can you get these off the net as well? :icon_salut:


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If you are prepared to "rough it" you might consider a cheap and cheerful Hama Star 63 tripod (a bit flimsy but does the job for £14.50 if you are not too fussy).

A much better option is the Horizon 8115 tripod (I just bought one, love it, will never go back).

You must (absolutely must!) buy a new tripod adapter. The supplied plastic Celestron one is an abomination and should be thrown away.

The likes of Strathspey do a lovely solid metal tripod adapter for under a tenner.

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Thanks for reply and links.

I think I will rough it first with the cheap and cheerful option as it's only going to be up in the garden.

If it breaks after a few days of usage then its my fault :icon_salut:

Thanks once again.

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False economy IMO. While I agree tripods can cost the earth you would be crying in your hands if you nice new 15X70's hit the deck with a thud due to a cheap flimsy tripod giving way. I would suggest you try the bargain pages or eBay for a better quality S/H one.

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