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Astromaster 130EQ mount clutches

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This may seem stupid, but not having anything to go on, I need to ask.

When I tighten the locks on the RA or DEC clutches shoudl I still be able to move the scope? When I tighten them, I can still move the scope allbeit less easily.

Cheers n beers


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The answer is no, I think. When you lock the clutches you should only be able to move the tube with the slow motion controls, to track the object. When you want to go to another target , you loosen the clutches and then you can move the tube freely. Take care that the scope is balanced otherwise once the clutches are loose, gravity takes over.

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I don't know which mount this is, but certainly the clutch locks on my EQ1 were far from great. One day when I have nothing better to do (hah!) I might take it apart to see if things can be improved.


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Stripped the mount down, the areas where the locks clamp onto were covered in grease so I cleaned these areas up and that improved the situation, now the scope stays put and does not move if I breathe on it like it almost was doing before.

Thanks for the inputs folks, much appreciated.

Incedentaly the mount is the Celestron EQ3 mount that comes with the OTA. I fully intend to upgrade to the Skywatcher EQ5 mount.

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