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Guiding conversion project for 200p and EQ5


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Popular place to live Stan :(

My understanding of the effect of the CLS was the same as yours. I did some structured testing of the CLS plus some imaging and at the end decided to wait until I had a modded camera. Once I send this 2nd body off for modding I will repeat the tests and compare the results.

Sorry QM, off topic I know :)

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Hi Glyn going to have to think about modding my Canon 350D as well now as well. Last night I took 30 1minute subs of NGC2244 unguided as I could not lock onto a guide star I also took 20 5 minute subs of the Horse head and then 10 5 minute darks and 10 5 minute flats. I had no hopes of getting anything out of the subs for NGC2244 Rosette nebula and took them as a quick after thought before calling it a night. This morning I stacked what I though was the 20 subs of the Horse head and the darks and flats leaving the subs of NGC2244 for later or so I thought.. What I actually did was include all 30 of the subs of NGC2244 in there by accicedent. I was watching Deep sky stacker do it stuff and when it finished I was gob smacked to see NGC2244! Deep sky stacker had ignored the 20 horse head subs and selected the 30 NGC2244 subs instead. I was really pleased all the same as I managed to get this nice shot from the stacked subs and didnt think I would succeed with this one.

Now going to try again and this time select just the horse head subs, a very happy chappy.


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Result QM! I love the way newt vains create those 4 point defraction spikes, IMO it looks great on open clusters like 2244.

Nice bit of the rosy starting to come through there as well. I'm really strugling to bring through any nebula with this one....

Stan :D

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Well Stan as were not going sea fishing its a good use for the fishing line :D

I have nothing to lose doing the mod on my camera I have another one for day to day photography just a bit scared to have a go at modding it myself. Sure it would make a big difference to capturing nebula as well, I might get brave and have a go some time but plenty to keep me happy at the moment with my guiding system working.

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That looks really good Stan. From my experience with 2244 careful processing will pull out a lot of the nebular from that. I was amazed what I got out of it, also unguided. Not got it to hand at present though.

Once I have the camera modded then a guiding mod based on QMs and your threads will be my next project :D

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I may post up my NGC2244 effort tonight, although its very much a widefield image of the area with the newly aquired Canon "L" lens.

I used it as my initial test target for the lens. So far I'm very impressed with it optically, the field right out to the edge is unbelievably flat! but more on that later......


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Hi Stan

I upload them to my picasa web album and then copy the url of the picture in my web album and past it on the thread with the insert picture icon that has al little mountain and sun on it, just past the url of the picture in there by right clicking on your web album pics or google images hit copy picture url and then paste it onto the thread with the insert image button. easy.


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Wow QM! thats a great result on the rosette with 1 min subs, just goes to show what a light bucket you've got their:) I found the 200p that came with my HEQ5 a bit on the big side, and I wasn't quite sure about moving the mirror forward to avoid f/10 with a barlow so after I'd got a Moon mosaic in the bag I sold it and picked up a scope from astrobuy last night that addressed my managability issues - WO zs66 DS APO, the whole of about 2kg, even I can lift this scope :D I totally agree with Stan about the spikes, they really give a sparkle in the rose:) I've also been dropping the hint to my wife over the last few weeks about modding my slr, however like Stan its my main camera, I've been meaning to research how much difference it will actually make and therefore if its justified or not? I'll be posting the last from my Antares soon as someones picking that up in a couple of days, slightly sad but I'm sure the ED glass will cheer me up:)

Stan! hows the L-prime?? looking forward to your post:)

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That's a Beautiful image QM.

Arghghgh, seeing this makes me more and more impatient to start DSO imaging.

I'm going to ring the supplier tomorrow and start getting grumpy. My Dual-Axis motor was ordered in January..... Waiting 5 weeks for one item is scandalous, they claimed it was in stock when I ordered it, then have been telling me every week, it is just about to arrive.

The supplier shall remain nameless, except to say the flying reindeer on the website don't bode well.

There is only so many times I can recollimate my scope, fiddle with the mount worm gears and test my guidescope : (


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Thanks starfox sad to see the big 200p go its a great telescope even if it is a bit big your new one sounds like its going to be great though love to see what you come up with when it arrives. Still a bit scared to modd the camera but I might get brave soon.

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Hi Badgers thanks for the kind comments dam you must be fuming not having got your dual axis kit yet. I would say stuff it and get it from Rotherdale optics they were great and I got mine the very next day surly that got to be better then waiting around to do this conversion 5 weeks it taking the urine big time.

I would give them the big shove and give rotherdales a call tomorrow mate.

Hope you get it sorted soon.

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Just popped over to the thread and took a look, awesome job stan really lovely image, I have so got to get myself a widefield scope now can be missing out on this sort of stuff any more :D

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Im getting close to doing mine as well but be good to see how you get on with yours keep me posted on your progress Spikey. The guidings going ok so long as theres no wind that is glad I took the plunge. :beer:

Sent from my GT-S5670 using Tapatalk

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Plot thickens....

First supplier had actually shipped it Tue morning..... So request to cancel the order came in after it was shipped. Very poor communication with clients, but they did managed to ship it, so I'm less aggrieved. I'll phone FLO first thing and cancel the other one.

Now onto more questions:

1) How crucial is it to line up the guidescope with the main scope, and how would one achieve this ?

2) I'm not sure I know how one would correctly set up and frame a shot. I assume I'd first find my object of interest visually on say a 25mm eyepiece, pop in the DLSR, then start tracking and take a few test shots of 30 secs or so ?

I'm glad this thread exists, I feel safe here.. the main DSO imaging threads appear a bit 'hardcore' : )

BTW, I just found your blog QM, fantastic stuff

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Cricky badger talkabout being given the run around! Well hope it gets to you now.

Q1. I aim at a bright star line it up with finder scope check with 25m lens untill its center view in both lens and finder scope.

Q2. Now but camera on to focus do a rough focus but bahtinov mask on take 20 sec shot zoom in check refocus check done.

Now using finder scope aim at target having sussed out were to look with it before mind. Now take a test shot if its not framed adjust ra or dec axis a bit at a time till its framed take quick shots to check position. When your done lock down format your card and get ready. Set timer for sub lengths with 30sec delay and 45 sec between shots to allow for cooling down and hit the button.

Next pray the skies stay clear.

If your guiding after your framed up start phd wait for it to settle then start taking your subs.

Thats my routine any way hope that helps :D

Sent from my GT-S5670 using Tapatalk

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Thanks for the info Quatermass.

Motors arrived this morning, FLO were blooming fantastic and cancelled my order and refunded me within minutes of my email this morning.

I've modded the tripod gonzo style, installed the motors and done the shoestring RJ45 mod.

I plan to spend the rest of the evening doing an SGL special of drinking copious amounts of wine while fiddling with my worm gears.

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