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Guiding conversion project for 200p and EQ5


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Don’t give up. I was able to get stars above 6 mag with Logitech 120. Perhaps 4000 series are more sensitive and you would get better results. Don’t forget to reduce noise by using median noise reduction in PHD settings.


I second this, Don't be put off by the narrow FOV making it a challenge to find guide stars. When I first got my webcam, I attatched it to my guide scope and put it on a camera tripod to do some testing on the stars. Half hour into the testing I was convinced the webcam idea wasn't going to work. Then I read a bit more on the net and by trial and error I found some ways to overcome this issue. Finding a guide star now couldn't be easier. I simply line up the main scope with the imaging subject and lock the mount in position. Then I place a 25mm EP in on the guide scope (in your case you will probably need to re attatched the finder EP) I then find a suitable guide star and center it in the FOV using the adjustment screws. Then I replace the EP with the webcam and bingo its on the screen in PHD. Anther tip:- Its somtimes easier to find a star if the guide scope is slightly out of focus so it turns the star into a big orb like object. Once found you can refocus the guide scope, but it doesn't need to be focused pin sharp. A "slighly" out of focus star is good for guiding so that your not chasing the seeing.

Also one more thing, To make life easier for me to find a guide star with the guide scope I added yet another finder scope to the guide scope (you can see this in my pics on previous threads). Look on astroboot they have 25-30mm finder scopes for around £4!!! they are cheap crappy plastic ones, BUT they are very light, very cheap, and do a good job of helping to find a star.......


Stan :D

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Thanks for that Stan, I was looking at those cheap finder scopes today and thinking of getting one as I still need one to find my way around. Ive got the finder scope and webcam on my camera tripod at the moment waiting for a clear patch to test it out.Focusing is a bit iffy with the foam loo roll adapter but if it wont do the job I will have to do some more diy. I worked with the lvi camera though and that was pretty fussy so should be ok. Think I will get one of those cheap finder scopes as well as it will come in handy.

Cheers :D

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I second the Slightly defocus the finder idea as it gives PHD something bigger to Grab hold of and it appears to work out where the centre is better. You can turn on the Star profile window in Tools and when you defocus, you see a flat top on the profile


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Does phd need a fast processor to run?

Short answer, No.

I run PHD fine on my prehistoric dell latitude with 216MB RAM, and about as much processing power as your average digital wrist watch :icon_salut:

I think my mobile phone actually has a more powerful processor.......


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I use a 9x50 finderscope with a webcam and the modern astronomy adapter as a guidescope. Seems to work reasonably well now but focussing was a big headache.

After a lot of effort and a broken webcam through overtightening I found that removing the locking ring on the finderscope allowed me to position the lens for proper focus. Unfocussing a little does seem to help PHD.


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The good man from RVO called me today to let me know my dual axis motors had come in :icon_salut: can't wait to pick them up tomorrow!

Yey! good news Dave and looks like we might have clear night soon as well.

My GPUSB adapter arrived this morning:):) so I now have everthing I need to do my first trial run with this set up. All we need is a clear sky and then I can find out if all this effort has been worth it!;)

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I use a 9x50 finderscope with a webcam and the modern astronomy adapter as a guidescope. Seems to work reasonably well now but focussing was a big headache.

After a lot of effort and a broken webcam through overtightening I found that removing the locking ring on the finderscope allowed me to position the lens for proper focus. Unfocussing a little does seem to help PHD.


Thanks Chris I found that as well with the webcam but the foam loo roll adapter has a nice bit of play in it that allows you to gently obtain focus its not perfect but it will get me started.

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Short answer, No.

I run PHD fine on my prehistoric dell latitude with 216MB RAM, and about as much processing power as your average digital wrist watch :icon_salut:

I think my mobile phone actually has a more powerful processor.......


Thats may be true but they landed on the moon with less computer power then a mobile phone so all systems are go ;)

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Congrats on the arrival of the GPUSB QM, Although I officially blame you for all this cloud cover! :)

Looks like Friday eve may be the next chance to try it out looking at met office.

BTW, Did you know you can download (FOC) a handy little test tool from shoestrings site so that you can test the the connection to the hand controller. Its located in products just under the actual GPUSB kit. It allows you to figure out what USB port your using and displays a control box on the screen that allows you to make DEC/RA slew movements. Once you have established the correct port you can then go into PHD and from the drop down list at the top of the main screen under mount select the used port. You could do this whilst its cloudy to check everything is ok. Also you must remember once you are all connected up to the mount and ready to guide, start up PHD and connect to mount !!BEFORE!!! you switch on the hand controller. I made the mistake of swithing on the HC before connecting to mount, which sent the RA drive into a fast slew. I spent a a short while scratching my head over this. I'm not sure how ASCOM (if you use it) will affect what I have said above as I have no experience with it......


Stan :icon_salut:

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Happy to report that with every thing connected up now it is all working as it should :)

Webcam and GPUSB adapter is working well and have tested it with the shoestring testing software. The dual axis motor kit conversion works fine and the motors turn the gears in all directions satisfactory. Cool to be able to move my telescope with my laptop from the comfort of my living room, don't know why I did not consider this before ;)

The cold winter weather has certainly helped make my mind up really do not want to be out there freezing my buns off. So with every thing now in place the only thing I need is a nice clear night and I can start testing it all out and hopefully get some guiding going on.:icon_salut:

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This horribly gray weather is getting to me now just need one clear night, itching to try this lot out. Allways the same when you want to try out new gear the clouds roll in :icon_salut: oh well hopefully soon we will get a clear night.

Sent from my GT-S5670 using Tapatalk

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ok things have settled down a bit but looks promising several 3 min subs on beetlejuice and a little bit of wobble but pretty good for a 3 minute sub going to try several tonight then post all my results later. Dont have a clue about the phd graph and various settings so any suggestions welcome while im out here. god its sooo cold i must be bonkers. :)

Sent from my GT-S5670 using Tapatalk

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My fingers are crossed for you QM :icon_eek: and your not the only bonkers one, I'm about to go and try out my new stripped down and rebuilt mount with the 200p, Before I can attempt any imaging I'll have to try collunmating it on a defocussed bright star. I'm quite interested to see what the 200p is like visually as the biggest Newt I've had previously was a very cheaply made 150mm.

Try not to get Hypothermia :)

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