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Hi There


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Hi Philip and welcome to the forum. Yes there is plenty of advice on here when you need it but for starters, my only advice on the purchasing question is simply to take your time. Could try looking though some gear at a few of the star parties that are being organised in connection with the BBC's Stargazing Live event or you might try participating in local observing nights which are performed by local astro societies and observing groups at this time of year. The reason for these suggestions is because the specifications that you will encounter regarding scopes (aperture and focal lengths etc) won't mean a thing unless you can witness their effects and to match these to you own expectations of what you want to see. You will then be able to establish your own benchmark to obtain the best value for money. If you stick with major brands (Skywatcher, Celestron and Meade etc) you will be fine although there is the occasional spanner appearing on Ebay that you really will want to avoid.

So, take your time, get your eye in here and there and ask lots of questions, you won't be disappointed. :)

Clear skies for now


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Thankyou all for your welcome :) and thankyou James for your reply.

It is my intention to spend time researching what telescope to buy, I have a couple in mind, but as I won't be buying untill late March I want to make sure I get the right one.

Thanks again.

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