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Off axis guider question


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Hi all

I'm considering getting an OAG to use with a C9.25 along with a stand alone autoguider such as the Baader LVI 2.

I would be very happy to hear your thoughts on this combo and any suggestions for which OAG?

I'm trying to keep as portable as possible... Hence the stand alone set up.

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I would say that a handy OAG for a SCT is Radial Guider -> Baader RCC OAG ---------> TS 27 mm OAG or Brightstar OAG.

I don't know LVI but compare it to Lacerta stand-alone autoguider. It can nicely control Canon too :)

Thanks for the reply, I'll take a look at those and yes one of the reasons I was looking at the LVI was it's ability to control the camera :) ....... I've not seen the Lacerta...... I'm about to take a look.

Thanks again

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Although I have a very capable TS 9mm OAG which I use for pretty much everything, when I do use my C9.25 for imaging I prefer the Celestron OAG.

Excellent build quality, very adjustable, and set to the right distance from a focal reducer right off the bat.



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I'd be wary of the standalone guiders. The stars in an OAG are very faint, in my limited but growing experience, and I would want the most sensitive guide camera I could get.

Then there's calibration. At the long FL of the ODK14 Yves (its owner) and I found that auto calibration did not work in PHD and that we needed to have control over the parameters. How much control do you have in the standalone guiders? Genuine question, I simply don't know.


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