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Crab M1


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Having achieved nebs in and around Orion I took a look at M1. Very dubious with respect to my WO 80II DDG @ 545/80/6.8 but it was a challenge and you don't know if you you don't try. Also, it was the last night for clear skies. So here it is. Just 10x10min subs, 10 darks and 10 flats. Regged and stacked in DSS and a quick post process in PS. It was very small and thus cropped and enlarged.

It does appear to be off focus or its down to the large scale enlargement. However, I am chuffed that I managed to locate and image it with perhaps a little success.

Critique welcomed.


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  • 4 weeks later...

That's excellent for the short length of the subs. I bet you're pleased with that.

As a tip, I'd say be careful with the levels next time - make sure that you don't cut into the black point (which I think you've done slightly here) and leave at least 5-10 points from the left hand side of the histogram to the edge.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi guys. Sorry for the delay in responding, your replies are greatly appreciated. I was a little chuffed to say the least. I may well have overdone post process - just trying to squeeze the last quark out of it.

I thought focus could be off a nadge at first but then thought in terms of a polar aligned mount tracking for 10 minutes - field rotation? Or just plain camera resolution? Trouble is I haven't managed to get out since to progress. Clouds, fog, rain, moon and to cap all a s/w conflict (now sorted).

Best Rgds

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