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Stargazing Live, chuffed


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Cygnus and the Milky way setting over the Rollright Stones

This was a test shot for the BBC stargazing Live program to give them an idea of the sky conditions at the Stones. A couple of days later they turned up to do their filming, we were invited over later to talk to Mark Thompson and have a look at their low-light cameras.

Chuffed to bits they used it on the first two programs and gave me a credit in the end titles.

Link to full size image -http://farm8.staticflickr.com/7034/6716662497_02ac3f1e28_o.jpg


Also got this shot on the wall as well, this was our Stargazing Live CNAAG 14-01-12 public observing session, "Astrosurf" and "Sanmatt" are in there somewhere.


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In the pic of the star party where the telescopes are setup in the foreground where is the green & blue light coming from?

Seems odd considering its usually insisted that screens are covered with red masks & red light torches only are used around the scopes

Really good long exposure photo that :D

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In the pic of the star party where the telescopes are setup in the foreground where is the green & blue light coming from?

Seems odd considering its usually insisted that screens are covered with red masks & red light torches only are used around the scopes

Really good long exposure photo that :D

This was a public event and I think everybody must have been given a new torch for Christmas :)


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These pics are amazing. The second one I loved when I saw it on the program tonight.

The first one, how did you do it? I can see the stones have been lit but how have you got all the detail in the sky aswell all in one shot?

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These pics are amazing. The second one I loved when I saw it on the program tonight.

The first one, how did you do it? I can see the stones have been lit but how have you got all the detail in the sky aswell all in one shot?

Thanks Gemma

I had the camera set up on my astrotrac but before switching it on I took a few photo's whilst playing a torch over the stones. I combined these images with the tracked images with the astrotrac motor running, all exposures were 30 seconds.


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Thanks Gemma

I had the camera set up on my astrotrac but before switching it on I took a few photo's whilst playing a torch over the stones. I combined these images with the tracked images with the astrotrac motor running, all exposures were 30 seconds.


Cool, I wondered if it might have been something like that.

I must have missed it when it was on SG Live on Mon, because I don't recall seeing it, it's impressive. Again, great pics.

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