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Anthony and I decided to hit our dark site last night, big moon and thin cloud cover made it not the best conditions for lugging all the kit into the countryside, but finding a night when we can both get out and clear skies is a hard task (this is only our 2nd visit in over a year) so we took a gamble.

I only managed 2 x 15 min subs on the pelican before the clouds thickend , it did thin a bit again later so we both had a go at M51.

all in all it was just good practice for when we can get out there on a good dark night.

Our setups


IC5070 2 x 15 min's Ha


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You both have had a very successful night producing all those superb images. You must have access to a good dark site too, which helps for those very tenuous nebulae.

Well done fellas, very nice stuff indeed.

Ron. :police:

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