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what comes with the heq5 box??


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Hi all.

I going to be buying my first proper mount to get into the world of astrophotography. im looking at the HEQ5 pro synscan.. presently i have an EQ2 with a skywatcher 130/900

my question is... am i going to need to buy extra stuff to attach the ota to the mount ie dovetail mounting brackets? or will this be supplied?

also i have heard alot of people using a philips toucam as a guide camera.. how does this work as i thought you needed to buy a special camera with a ST4 port ?

Many thanks in advance


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The dovetail you already have on the telescope should fit the HEQ5pro.

You may need a power connector ....

A webcam can be used as a guide camera (with a suitable guide scope mounted on the main scope) to get correction signals to the mount you need something like PHD guide software and a ST-4 cable. ShoeString make a suitable cable - it's serial to ST-4 ( you may need a USB to Serial adaptor - I use a Keyspan)

As an alternative you can use the PC based EQMOD software to control both the mount and provide guide correction signals (pulse guide mode)

Hope this helps.

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I have a related question.

I should be picking up the HEQ-5 Pro synscan in a week, and I've seen a few references to people replacing the latitude and azimuth bolts as the supplied ones have a risk of bending over time, which sounds not so great.

Is this a real issue, and if so has anyone got a recommendation for some reasonably priced replacement bolts?

Many thanks,

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