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First trial Ha imaging - Horsehead


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After a terrible Christmas break with never a clear sky. Last night was beautiful, even though there was a moon due after midnight. First imaging session since mid November!

Although I have had an Ha filter for a while, this is the first time I have tried it and at this time of year I naturally turned to the Horsehead.

So - Equinox 80ED, Atik 314L+, Celestron CG5-GT, 7nm Ha filter, guided with PhD Guiding using an ST80 and Atik 16ic.

4 hours data - 2 hours with 5min subs, 2 hours 10min subs ( guiding was good, so I wanted to see if I could use longer subs). First set before moonrise where I am, second set with a significant moonglow after the dreaded meridian flip.

Corrected with flats and stacked in Astroart. No darks.

Stretched in PS with some high pass filtering to bring out the nebula.

Hackneyed subject maybe, but a source of endless wonder to me, and a very satisfactory foray into narrowband.

Next step some colour to go with it.



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