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Excited, sorry if I bore you...

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Just had to tell somebody.....

Much as this may seem very boring to some, I've just appreciated "Pleiades" M45? for the first time. Okay, so it's with 10x50 bins, and the moon is way too bright, but hey, I could pick out the seven sisters and a few other fainter objects within or around it. I'm well chuffed :(

I also feel pleased to have just seen the most I ever have so far of Jupiter and 3 of it's moons. Can't wait to get a scope and explore deeper and longer, but hey, I'm chuffed to bits so far :o

Can't stop, off outside for another cigerette....... oh go on then, I'll take the bins :p

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You are never going to bore anyone on an astronomy forum by talking about astronomy buddy.:(

The Pleiades are an awesome sight through bins and small scopes. Big scopes cannot compete on objects like this.:o

Keep at it

Regards Steve

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I've "seen" it a few times before with the naked eye but not through anything else. I spent ages earlier looking at the moon, but tbh I can get better detail with my camera, or at least I did the other night (and without a tripod or anything I might add!) I had a quick look without bins and decided to try and find it. I did and I'm very glad I did!

I tried to find Andromeda but failed this time. I don't have any books (yet) all I have is Google Skymap for Android and stellarium on my laptop, but didn't take that out with me. I tried navigating with Skymap and using Jupiter as a starting point, but failed. Not to worry, it'll still be there another night. There's quite a bit of LP but that has got slightly better lately since the council installed low LP lighting in the area, but the moon is probably doing a better job of ruining it than anything else tbh.

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Bins have such a nice, wide FOV - M45 looks great in a pair.

Have a butchers at M42 the orion nebula in them as well, might not show up too great with the moon but you should get something.

I did, but not too good since the moon is so bright and quite close in the sky to M42, I could see more obviously, but 2 light sources was about all I could make out.

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you can never get bored of looking at the Pleiades, with our seeing in the UK you will notice subtle differences especially the nebulosity and how apparent it is on given nights.

try the Beehive, Hyades and the Double Cluster too, all fabulous in bins

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I spent many years with nothing more than a pair of 7x50s and, despite spending massive amounts on "proper" astro-gear, still enjoy going back to basics and exploring the larger objects that don't come across so well in a scope (well, that's my opinion anyway). When Cygnus starts to get better placed, you have a treat in store exploring the vast starfields down the spine.

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