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Moon mosaic


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I had a brief window of opportunity tonight, so I could have a stab at the moon, the trees are seriously obscuring my view due to the moon being very low, so it was a fairly rushed jobbie. Anyway, enough excuses already, here's my effort. Oh and no colour like Phil's, that's his territory... 8)

Handheld 4 pane mosaic merged in CS2, 300D, 25mm ep, handheld and the 8" newt. I've forgotten the camera settings, I tried a few, but at a guess, I would say 80 ISO, WB, auto

Hope you like it, I'm pretty pleased with it, although, may be a little over sharpend??? :police:


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A rush job maybe Caz. but a great result just the same, and you have a perfect right to be pleased. The moon is at about 96%, which is tantamount to being full, and those who might find the moon uninteresting when fully illuminated, well they are missing out, plain and simple.

In my book, a full moon image is as striking as at any other time in it's phase, and when the features are given the right contrasts, as in this case, then there is no finer sight. I like it very much. So do some more rush jobs whenever you get the chance please.

Ron. :police:

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Love it 8)

Nice detail on the rays and spot on contrast..

Only thing I would do with is to maybe soften it a little by

going to filter...noise...and despeckle.

Nice one Mrs Caz :lol:

Mrs Caz!! :D

Your right about the noise Phil, that only became evident when I started tweaking, so I'll spend a little more time despecking tomorrow. :D

A rush job maybe Caz. but a great result just the same, and you have a perfect right to be pleased. The moon is at about 96%, which is tantamount to being full, and those who might find the moon uninteresting when fully illuminated, well they are missing out, plain and simple.

In my book, a full moon image is as striking as at any other time in it's phase, and when the features are given the right contrasts, as in this case, then there is no finer sight. I like it very much. So do some more rush jobs whenever you get the chance please.

Ron. :lol:

Aww, thanks Ron, so pleased you like it. 8)

I played around with the ISO settings on the camera, so to gain enough contrast/detail as possible, it paid off...

Nice one Caz!! It doesn't look over sharpened to me mate, just right! Glad your getting out there again. :lol:

Cheers Gaz! Yep, I dusted the scope down (literally :police:), even collimated it to! And dragged it outside, glad I made the effort.

...and this ones even round! :D :D

:hmph: :D

Nice one Caz!

Contrast is spot on too :lol:


Thanks Tony..

(who has spent the entire evening farting around with polar scope/alignment and the 'joys' of trying to quickly line up any target with an EQ mount :x )

Errr, let me think, oooh tricky one, but a stab in the dark I would guess, you? :D You'll get there Tony!! :D


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