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Lp Filter in the imaging train - Good or bad idea?


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I know I always seem to get ahead of myself, but I would welcome some opinions from you guys.

I am using the Atik 314L mono, with Baader LRGB filters. I am wondering about the benefits or not of putting a LP filter within the imaging train. I'd be looking at a 1.25" screwing into the nosepiece of the Atik prior to the filter wheel.

I know that with the RGB filters, light pollution isn't a problem, as Peter has already posted some info on this. But what about the Luminance? Would a LP filter be of benefit there?

I hope that those that use them or don't can offer up some opinions. I know that there is a way to do some of this in PP, but I just want to avoid anymore processing than I already do. I was under the opinion that it's always better to get it as right as possible with the camera and settings!!

This may seem like a double post (I asked a similar type of question regarding RGB in the camera section) - but I am sure that there are a load of you out there with opinions and working set up's that could shed some light (pardon the pun!!) on this. :(

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Hi sara

I am in a similar position as yourself (ie same camera filters etc) and i was finding light pollution was killing my luminance channel. so i have purchased a 2 inch astronomik cls ccd lpr filter to put in the imaging train. i have the clip version of this filter and found it to be excellent from my location. I know it gives a blue colour cast but that should be no problem for a mono camera. I decided on this set up after reading on the CN forum that some imagers have gone down this path. by the way, they was also recommending leaving the filter in the light train for the rgb aswell. I will let you know how i get on when i can finally get a clear sky.

ATB martyn

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I use a ts oag with a 2 inch nose adapter all in front of a brightstar manual filter wheel the cls screws into the 48mm thread at the front of the adapter. so i can now use this with both my newt and sct. i am still working out how to fit it to my ed 80. hope this helps.

ATB martyn

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Hi Sara, I have a Baader LRGB partfocal set, ATIK EFW2, OAG.

As my imaging train is all 2", I have the five filter positions as:

1: IR/UV Cut

2: Red

3: Green

4: Blue

5: Neodymium LP filter

I also have the same 2" UV/IR cut on the front nose piece of the filter wheel to prevent dust from entering (so that makes all the filters IR/UV'd and doubly so in position 1)

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