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Sardinian Greetings from Cork, Ireland


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Hello everybody :D

This is not my first post but I haven't introduced myself yet.

I am a Sardinian guy living in Cork, Ireland. :D:(

Astronomy was my full-time hobby as a kid. When I was 7 I saved up and bought myself a Konus newtonian reflector with Eq mount and tons of books, VHS's and related. With that little newtonian reflector I saw for the first time Venus, Moon Craters in detail, Jupiter and the rings of Saturn. I observed the sun with a pretty expensive Mylar sun filter, but I never noticed neither surface details nor spots. I lost a bit of interest when I discovered computers and electronics, but some mysterious chemical attraction is putting me back on track with astronomy. As a kid I had no chance to do any kind of Astrophotography (even a webcam would have been too expensive back then), so today I would like to try again :).

So my renewed love for Astronomy and related ,made me join the discussions on this wonderful forum which is, from my point of view, the best Astronomy forum ever. :p

I will soon add an Explorer 150P + Motorized Heq5 to my little equipment :) (see signature).

Here are some of the pics I was able to take with just a bridge camera or a SLR camera on top of a cheap tripod,

most of them are also available on my Flickr page :( .

This is my first approach to basic astrophotography. Comments are welcome. :)

Sunspots taken with a Fujifilm S2000HD (15x zoom, 1/1000 sec, ISO100, F/11) and a welding glass.

Single BW shot, temperature and contrast enhanced with Lightroom:


First Quarter of Moon, taken from Cork (Ireland) the 8th of July 2011, 22:20.

Fujifilm S2000HD, ISO 100, 414MM, F/5.4, 1/25sec. 15X Optical Zoom.


Moon taken from Tallinn (Estonia) in September 2011.

Fujifilm S2000HD, ISO 100, 75MM, F/5.4, 1/60sec. 15X Optical Zoom (414 mm)


And of Course... :D :D

M42 Orion Nebula. Nikon D3100, single shot.


Very popular target: Jupiter with Moons (from left to right: Callisto, Europa, Ganimede).

Taken with a Nikon D3100 at 300MM. From my light polluted backyard.


Betelgeuse, Nikon D3100:


Starred sky and Andromeda (M31) as seen from Sardinia on the 24th of October 2011,

there is a bit of light pollution and some minor corrections made with Lightroom.

Single shot 25 secs exposure, ISO 3200, no tracking and no tripod :)


And an attempt to Andromeda Galaxy with a Sigma APO lens at 300MM on my Nikon D3100 (crop):


I hope you all liked my introduction pics and sorry for my english, it's not my first language :o

Clear Skies


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