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Second attempt at Jupiter.


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Did this with my 1100d in movie mode, and processed in Lightroom.

While I was processing, I noticed a couple of light blobs in the field which turned out to be moons :) so I turned up the exposure on them. I knew the moons were there when recording, but didnt think they'd be picked up in the movie. I thought people must do an overexposed shot to get them (or something). Was a nice surprise anyway.


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Thanks gdheib. Yes that is Io (on the left) and Europa.

I found a simple tutorial for registax so went back to this pic and tried again following the instructions. Then finished it off in Lightroom again.

I also realigned using the first stack (twice) which brought out the moons so I didnt have to over-expose them so much this time.

There's more detail now, but it looks a bit harsh to me. There's also a problem with brightness along the left hand edge.

I'll have to play around more.


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hi tbird.

I wish I could offer some advice, but I really havent a clue what Im doing.

The only reason I can think of that I'm getting good results is that the camera takes HD movies and the iso and exposure can be set.

Apart from that, I wish I could claim responsibility, but if I'm honest the software does all the work.

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