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binoviewer or quality eyepiece?

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Just bought my first scope (Skywatcher Apo 100 ED on good mount) - it comes with standard eyepieces & I was wondering as a xmas prezzie would I be better getting a quality eyepiece & maybe Barlow or a binoviewer? I am really only interested in moon & planetary viewing at the moment. Have used big binos for a few years now. Thanks.

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Although Binoviewers are great, especially for the moon, you have to make sure your scope has enough focus range. They are fine on a Mak or SCT but I know they can be a problem with reflectors and some refractors.

How about something like the Hyperion Zoom as an option?

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I would opt for the eyepiece option.

You would need a binoviewer then 2 identical eyepieces to use it. In effect you still end up buying eyepieces.

Throw in that the light has to be split into 2 for each eye and the result is less light per eye, although you are viewing with both and that compensates to some extent.

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