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eq5 mount with single axis motor drive

Rahul Zota

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I have one question about astrophotography equipment. I want to start digital camera comet hunting and I will use my Canon 550d camera. But the confusion is which mount should I go for? My budget is limited and I am not considering HEQ5 or EQ6. The mount I am considering is the Skywatcher eq5. I want to use it on a single axis motor drive with hand pad controller. I am also planning to use the Skywatcher 102mm f/5 short-tube refractor. The camera will be attached with the telescope and the scope will be used on the eq5 with the RA axis motor drive to track the stars.

The question is, will I be able to give at least 30 seconds exposure? Will the stars look steady and pin-point in a 30 seconds exposure time? I will stack few shots of 30 second exposures. I am not sure about the eq5 with the RA axis motor drive so hope you can better guide me in this.

Hoping for positive replies :)

Rahul Zota

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