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Crawford Machines Extra Low Profile focuser for SCT


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This is a review (of sorts) of my experiences with Crawford Machines (partly from a post I had on Cloudy Nights).

I was hunting for a Crayford style focuser for my SCT. The stndard focuser is pretty rubbish, and I didn't want to spend mega-bucks on a Featherlight. Most standard Crayfords are very long, and restrict fork mounted scopes. Doing some research turned up 2 options....the Antares low Profile focuser and the Crawford Machines ELP.

I did some research on the Crawford on Coudy Nights, where a good few people were recommending them. I ordered it on the 8th October, and got a prompt reply from Dan Crawford, confirming shipping (to the UK) within 2 weeks.

On the 21st I emailed enquiring about the status, no answer. I chased again on the 25th and got an answer the next day from Dan ((Crawford- the owner of the firm) apologising for the delay and promising shipping on the 28/29th.

I received the focuser on the 18th November, which was fine as UK Customs held it for a couple of days pending tax clearance. My initial thoughts were that it looked like a nice piece of kit, though I was a bit disappointed to see that the locking screws were plastic. I mounted on the SCT so it fits real nice. However, the action was incredibly coarse and notchy.The fine focus was near as dammit unusable and the coarse focus was just that- coarse. Very "ratchety". I stripped it down to have a look at it, and it appears that the middle pin that the ball bearing runs on was poorly finished, with the end of the pin catching on it's mating surface.

I emailed Dan on the 19th asking for advice and got an answer pretty much straight away. He offered to re-work it and pay for postage both ways. I suggested just shipping a replacement pin to save on costs for him and time for me, to which he agreed. Shipping was promised for the 21st. I emailed Dan again on the 26th as I had heard nothing. He emailed me back telling me that the pin was only shipped on Saturday (5 days after it was promised).

I finally received the replacement pin today. I stripped the focuser again and fitted the new pin. After a bit of fiddling and faffing I eventually got it sorta tuned in....the action is now a whole lot better.

The focuser is actually quite a nice piece of kit. The anodising is really deep, and the machining is pretty damn good. Overall, including taxes, it stands me £150 (similar to the Antares).

Some piccies for your perusal:


Fitted with 2" diagonal and 8mm Meade EP. Focuser fully extended showing that it swings thru the forks (Nexstar8" GPS)


Same setup, fully retracted.





Given that it has taken nearly 2 months to finally get my focuser, and seeing that others (on CN) have had similar problems, I would find it hard to recommend this company. I eventually got it sorted, but surely a customer should not have to chase and chase like this?

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Now I've had a chance to tweak the focuser, its actually a damn fine piece of kit. The action is nice and smooth now, and to give it a good test I tried a X3 barlow and a Meade 8mm EP (giving x750 mag). The seeing was really clear, and I was skimming along the limb of the virtually full moon. The focuser gave enough control to be able to get the image sharp.....there's no way I could get it anywhere near using the SCT's standard focuser.

If Crawford Machine can improve the QC, then the product is a winner.

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Pity it wasn't properly set-up when you got it, but it does look like a very nice piece of kit for the money though.

BTW Rob at Epsilon Telescopes can make up proper nylon tipped stainless steel thumbscrews to replace the plastic screws. Cost a few quid each but really nice. :)



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