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I Eat Green Carrots

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No it's not a method to see in the dark better but a mnemonic to remember the order of Jupiter's moons.

I for Io (Jupiter's closest moon), Eat for Europa, Green for Gannymede and Carrots for Callisto.

I just learned this from one of great series of short videos on the planets, dark matter, black holes and other cosmological things by Nottingham University: Sixty Symbols

Well worth watching.


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That's a good little mnemonic. I like the My Very Educated Mother Just Showed Us Nine Planets one that I learned as a child, in order to remember the planets in our solar system.. although Pluto is no longer officially a Planet. Cheers Syntarsus! :)

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Funny picture Andy. :) Even though Pluto is a dwarf planet, and no longer officially a planet, it’ll still be a fascinating target for study. NASA has sent their New Horizons spacecraft off to visit it. New Horizons will reach Pluto in July 2015, and capture the first close-up images of the (dwarf) planet’s surface. :(

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Cool thread... here's one I made up when I was around 10, to help my Nan remember the order of the planets... She's now 92 and still remembers...

Make Vera Eat My Jam Sponge Until Night Passes.



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The very politically correct version lol.

Richard of York gave Battle in Vain

That was the first one I learned.

Helps to recall the colours of the rainbow. :(

I like the one for lunar phases "D" is the waxing Moon; "O" the full moon; and "C" the waning moon - DOC :)

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