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Is GOTO Worth Getting?

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I'm looking to get a new telescope - the Skywatcher FlexTube Dobsonian (either the 10" or the 12") as I want something bigger than the 130P 'scope I currently have. I'm unsure as to whether I want to get the GOTO motorized version or just the standard manual version. I do like the idea of GOTO, but it seems like a lot of money to pay. Does it make things that much easier to find? Essentially, is it worth the extra £400-500?

I'd hate to get the 'scope without GOTO and then really struggle to locate objects. I've not had too much trouble locating things with my current 'scope, but I've never tried to find any 'difficult' objects (just the bright planets and some of the brighter DSOs). But at the same time I wouldn't want to fork out the extra money only to find I don't really need GOTO.

Thoughts? (Sorry if this is a bit rambled!)

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Is it worth the extra £400/500?

Impossible question. You can't quantify the usefulness of GOTO as it is subjective. To you it may well be worth it or even 3 times worth it. But only you can answer this question.

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"Go-To" or not to "Go-To", that is the question. I am in the same boat as you right now and i have decided that after years of owning only manual scopes that its time i gave "Go-To" a go.

My biggest scope right now is a Skywatcher Heritage 130P. I do love this Dob. Aperture fever is a life long condition so i wanted a scope that would give me maximum aperture while also giving me maximum portability (i am of limited mobility).

After much a do about nothing (what's with all my Shakepeare quotes?), i settled on the Celestron Nexstar 8se because it is of similar weight to my 130P but a full 3" bigger in aperture and is also "Go-To".

I really was not sure if i wanted Go-To or not (i was also looking at another 8" scope that was manual and cost the same as the Go-To scope). My heart was telling me that if i bought the manual scope that i would kick myself in the long/short term for not buying the Go-To.

I love the hunt of tracking down objects under my own steam. Its all i have ever done in this hobby for the last 30 yrs. I have to say though that i am pretty excited about the whole Go-To thing. I cant wait to give it a go. Its gonna be so weird pressing a couple of buttons and the scope taking a wander in any direction and finding what i want to see.

I think i might get used to it very quickly though.

I'd hate to get the 'scope without GOTO and then really struggle to locate objects

You just answered your own question there. There is NO sense in owning a 10-12" scope if you are going to struggle to find objects. They are big beasts and take enough concentration to move manually without the worry of what to locate and where to locate it.

I would honestly say in your case that the extra cost of the Go-To will be worth every penny. Not just for the views of a 10-12" scope but the peace of mind that it will show you the heavens and will not be left standing,gathering dust as the case may be if you bought a scope of similar size that was no Go-To.

I hope this all makes sense and helps you decide.

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The biggest single frustration I had as a newbie with a skywatcher 130 Heritage was being able to find dso's at home, when I had an hour to spend observing.

My Orion has the intelliscope that has a handset that guides you where to point to.

I've learnt and seen loads more since I purchased this. Is it instant gratification? I have a copy of "Turn Left at Orion" now, and am starting to find objects manually.

I find it a job though at higher magnifications to keep objects in view, so when the chance came to get a GoTo scope (a refractor at a great price from FLO) I jumped; despite being smaller in aperture, I'm using it more and more as it's so convenient.

The alignment can be hit and miss; it's more of an art than a science sometimes, be prepared to have to re-align sometimes am delighted with mine and for me was worth the cost.

Good luck, am sure others will have a different view for you to consider.


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I have had both, manual and goto, and from my experiance goto comes up tops.

I had a 200p dob which is a very good scope but then sold it and bought my 200p on a EQ5 pro, i now have seen a lot more and in my light poluted sky things i would have never seen ( ring and dumbell nebula), once you get use to setting it up you think you will be glad you did.

The only downside (and the reason i bought goto) is that i don't know the night sky as well as i would like to after year of stargazing, but this is all my fault, yes i have a basic ideal as to where things are (you need a little for alignment) but not enough to enjoy my dob.

To enjoy it more i have connected it to my laptop via Stellarium which really has opened up the sky.

So from me it's a yes goto are worth it

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I recently upgraded my scope to Goto, not because it was hard to locate objects, but because I feel that it saves a lot of time, especially under light polluted skies (as I am). I enjoyed and still still enjoy locating objects with Star Maps and an RDF/Finderscope, but sometimes due to the weather, and clouds it's best to just plug in the Goto, and speed things up a little. Plus, I like the database facility and auto-tracking etc. IMO I could do without it, but as explained, it does help when time is of the essence.

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Thanks for the responses. I do quite like some of the other features of GOTO such as the sky tour (sometimes I'm not sure what to look at when I get outside). I tend to want to find things quickly as although I'd love to stay out all night, the cold really gets to me.

If I get a 10" or 12" dob what kind of power supply would be best for it? At the moment on my motorized 5" a battery pack is enough but I can see myself needing something a bit more substantial for a 12" 'scope.

As a side question, my 5" scope (First Light Optics - Skywatcher Explorer 130P SupaTrak AUTO) is motorized but doesn't have GOTO. Is there a way of connecting it to some PC software (i.e. Stellarium) so I can basically make it have GOTO?

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Hi, If you buy goto then you can choose to use it or not but if you dont buy it you are stuck. I have both ( I have a Vixen Skypod mount) and am pleased I have as this has enabled me to dabble in planetary photography - the goto making this somewhat easier. My biggest gripe with goto is the setup time but this gets better if you really work at familiarizing yourself with your gear in the dark - once its set it great. I have a friend with the Skywatcher setup and its really good and he uses it both as a goto and as a normal scope- enjoy whatever you get.

Cheers Paul

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Last night i ws so happu i had goto, it was very cold and the metal on the tube was getting ice on it, but thankfully i didnt even need to touch it as the goto did all the work ;-) was also observing with a group so didjt need to keep nudging i actually stepped away from the scope and left them to it

Sent from my A101IT using Tapatalk

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I agree its very subjective. Also in my own experience i find i go through periods of liking/using it and then periods of not using it. The point is that i have it to use if i want, in addition to the good 'for' points made above. Having multiple options available to you especially with the instability of UK weather can never be a bad thing.

Having said that - i have just ordered a new non-goto scope.....

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This is advice from a novice.

Spend the extra or you will regret it.

I have a meade lx90 goto and is quite accurate in finding faint objects.

After borrowing a 12" dobsonian, I couldn't even find Vega and gave up.

I could see it in the sky but could I find it no.

The moon was all I was able to point it at.

If you want to do any astrophotography goto is best.

I hope this helps.


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I'm glad I bought goto with my little Mak, it's shown me so many things that - with such little experience - I never would have found myself, I fear. It's really given me a leg up into astronomy I feel.

With a 10 or 12 inch dob, think of all the possibilities :)

Of course, you shouldn't rely on it with blind faith. A couple of times I've double checked what it's pointing at... sadly the only thing that was wrong was my inability to recognise what I was looking at :)

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personally I'd sooner have more aperture than goto every time; I cannot afford GOTO for the aperture I have an if I could, I'd buy more aperture. BUT if you feel it will make your observing more enjoyable then go(to) for it! I think I am correct that you can get the auto version and then simply plug in the appropriate handset (must be the alt az version) and this might be a cheaper way to get goto? check this but I am sure others have done it.

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personally I'd sooner have more aperture than goto every time; I cannot afford GOTO for the aperture I have an if I could, I'd buy more aperture.

Yeah me too.

Nothing against Goto. Have had a play with a 16" Goto, (cheers Pingster) great fun. But for that price......20" mirror set beckons more.

Regards Steve

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I was in the same boat as you are and for the life of me couldn't decide. I went for the auto 12 inch dob and I've used it most clear nights over the last 2 months. I have never used the tracking function but I have used the 'nudge' function. I don't miss the goto as I find looking for objects interesting but frustrating if it takes all night to find them. If I had my time again I'd stick with the auto dob and spend the savings on a decent chair. The 10 and 12 inch dobs are big and depending on the item you are viewing and have been prone to ache the back a little.

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