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Nothing groundbreaking but a very enjoyable night.


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I got out too late for the Leo galaxies (I've had a very bad year on them, either the seeings been poor or my eyesight is failing :)) I took in all the usual globular clusters M3,M5,M13,M92 as well as the Ring and the Dumbell in my 150mmm f5 refractor, all looked great up to x150 using a 5mm Hyperion. The odd meteor brightened proceedings up including 2 especially low and slow moving ones that caught my eye.

The clouds rolled in about 2 ish and it was extemely windy so I decided to pack up, I went back out about 3am and the clouds had cleared so I got the Aldi binos out (£10 well spent!!) and had 30 minutes looking at the Milky Way running though Cygnus, simply amazing. I nearly got the scope back out but I could also see the dawn starting to approach.

Cygnus and 4am dawns....the summer is well and truly here!!

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I did the "tour" on the nexstar, ended up viewing much the same as you Gaz. Never seen the ring nebula before so that was a real treat.

Also saw a v bright satellite going w to e about 11.30 ish?

Not a bad night really :)

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