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What scope to buy?

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I recently began attending astronomy classes and would like to be able to use what I learn practicaly. I currently own a chinese piece of junk telescope that struggles to view the moon! As a new member I thought I could ask you guys on what scope to buy.

I have a £300 budget and would like certain specifications. I would like an electronic feature like a 'GoTo' mount as I am a bit of a tecno geek and love electronics. The main astromomy items I would be interested in viewing are planets, nebulae and stars. I have my eye on the Celestron Nexstar 4 Se and also the Skywatcher Skymax 127. After reading reviews about both scopes they seem like a perfect choice. Would these be a good choice? and What other Scopes could you recommend?

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. The main astrological items I would be interested in viewing are planets, nebulae and stars. I have my eye on the Celestron Nexstar 4 Se and also the Skywatcher Skymax 127. After reading reviews about both scopes they seem like a perfect choice. Would these be a good choice? and What other Scopes could you recommend?


You may want a crystal ball for that.:)

Seriously though, the small Maks are great little scopes and would serve you well.

Regards Steve

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You may want a crystal ball for that.:)

Seriously though, the small Maks are great little scopes and would serve you well.

Regards Steve

LOL one can hope can't they. How much is this crystal ball thing:D.

I like the look of how portable they are and the ease of use factor. Another user recommended First Light Optics - Skywatcher Skyliner 200P Dobsonian as it has very good views and can see much more. Opinion?

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It's not the nations favourite scope for no reason.

Superb bit of kit, but you stated you wanted Goto.

A Dob is A basic find it yourself bit of kit, not a all singing and dancing Goto.

You are paying for just optics. It will show considerably more than the smaller Goto scopes though.

Tough choice. Goto or optics.

I prefer optics, but there are many that swear by Goto and wouldn't be without it.

Best to visit your local societies open viewing nights and check out some kit in action.

Good luck with your choice.

Regards Steve

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Both great scopes.

Lots of people on SGL with a 127.

I'm a bit of a techno geek as well so I went goto over optics.

And portability is never a bad thing.

Lots to consider like storage, viewing location etc.

As long as you get out and use whatever you purchase, that'll be the main thing.


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It's not the nations favourite scope for no reason.

Superb bit of kit, but you stated you wanted Goto.

A Dob is A basic find it yourself bit of kit, not a all singing and dancing Goto.

You are paying for just optics. It will show considerably more than the smaller Goto scopes though.

Tough choice. Goto or optics.

I prefer optics, but there are many that swear by Goto and wouldn't be without it.

Best to visit your local societies open viewing nights and check out some kit in action.

Good luck with your choice.

Regards Steve

Thanks for all your help Steve. Mulling around on this forum has taught be that 99% of astronomy chose optics over tech. As a beginner I may go with one of the mak's as they look very neat and easy to use. I won't be getting a scope till after Christmas but maybe the much bigger Dob could be something to save for whilst getting used to observing the universe with a telescope such as the mak. Over the next few weeks I will be on the forum asking the members and researching all I can.



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Both great scopes.

Lots of people on SGL with a 127.

I'm a bit of a techno geek as well so I went goto over optics.

And portability is never a bad thing.

Lots to consider like storage, viewing location etc.

As long as you get out and use whatever you purchase, that'll be the main thing.

How do you get on with the Nexstar and it's electronic features. The calibration and touring systems sound fantastic, are they? or are they just a noovelty that wears off? Also what kind of objects do you view with your scope and is the view quality good. Another huge factor is price I don't want to spend this amount of money and be dissapointed.



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Another huge factor is price I don't want to spend this amount of money and be dissapointed....

I can quite understand that Midge :)

Managing expectation is important.

The key thing is to remember that what you can see visually will not look at all like the photos you see posted, with the exception of the Moon.

The drawings in the sketches section made using scopes of a similar aperture to the ones you are thinking of are more representative.

Newcomers to observing can be dissaponted:

- that there is generally no colour to be seen in deep sky objects such as nebulae.

- most galaxies look like faint patches of light.

- some famous objects like the Crab Nebula and Jupiter Great Red Spot are actually quite hard to see.

- even the big planets like Jupiter and Saturn will look small in the eyepiece at the sort of magnifications that it's practical to use.

Nonetheless it's amazing to see these things with your own eye and the more you keep observing, the more you will be able to see :)

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John, that's an excellent set of points to consider and inform the beginner who anticipates to observe the type of images and objects that one often sees from Hubble through an amateur telescope! These are important things to think about while purchasing a telescope, it should not deter anyone from being excited by astronomy. I think you have summarised it well. I agree it certainly is amazing to see these objects with your own eyes! :)

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How do you get on with the Nexstar and it's electronic features. Also what kind of objects do you view with your scope and is the view quality good.

If you take a bit of time to make sure the tripod is level, the alignment system on the nexstar is really good.

I have a young family and even if you ignore the indifferent UK weather, my viewing time is still limited.

So I chose grab and go with a goto system to maximise my viewing time.

I forfitted aperture as I don't have a great deal of storage space and like the compactness of an SCT coupled with the convienience of goto.

These are all questions that everyone on here has had to answer to decide on what they want. There's a good mix of people in each camp, pro-goto and anti-goto.

I've got the 6 SE so a couple more inches of aperture over the 4SE, plus the 4SE is a MAK not SCT.

The planetary views I get are great, I use a hyperion eyepiece which makes a big difference.

A big problem for you will be the "selling hype" surrounding a goto scope.

You MUST ignore descriptions like 40,000 item database as you WON'T get to see all of them. (well the scope will accurately point to the location but that's all, you won't see 40,000 that's for sure)

So ideally set your expectations at planets, jupiter, saturn, moon, yep no problem.

You'll cover a high percentage of messier numbers but don't expect to see massive detail.

M42 will be good, I managed a bit of a green tinge to it at the beginning of this year, but viewing was excellent.

M31 ok but just a smudge.

That's the reallity of these type of scopes.

So to summerize, goto is good, optics are excellent, but you've got that trade off for aperture and if DSOs are your thing or you like the look of all this deep space astrophotography, then please think again.

It's not easy, but once you've decided and purchased you'll be pleased.

Just make sure you get out and use it as the worst scope to buy is the one that never gets used.

Good luck


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  • 5 weeks later...

I'm new to this game and am intrigued by these GOTOs but, from the post just above, it seems a bit crazy to pay for tech which will find things that the optics can't see. Is it not more satisfying to have superior views of something you have developed the skill to find yourself?

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I'm new to this game and am intrigued by these GOTOs but, from the post just above, it seems a bit crazy to pay for tech which will find things that the optics can't see. Is it not more satisfying to have superior views of something you have developed the skill to find yourself?

I was in exactly the same position, it was either get a 4" inch with GOTO or a 8"/10" dob. In the end I saw sense but its up to you really, can you see yourself hunting the night skky or letting a computer do it for you. Unfortunately a decision you must make yourself as everyone has there own opinion.


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