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M31 finally!


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After tinkering with my gear for a year I've finally been able to take a half decent photo of M31. It's been my first DSO object and been a bit of an obsession. Now that I got this snapped I feel I can finally move onto something else.

The left corner is messed up because I accidently rotated the camera while changing it's battery. Not sure what the bottom right blob is...could it be a reflection from my OAG? I get it in all my photos at the same spot.

WO FLT 100



Canon 7D

22x5m @ ISO800 (11 darks)


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A very creditable result indeed Atharh.

Your progress should be steady after this great start.

The two dark blobs are probably a dust bunnies, caused by a specks of dirt on the Cameras sensor. Wiser guys than I will tell you the remedy for that, it's no big deal.:)


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atharth that's very pretty! Very nice to see for a struggling newbie like myself - and everyone else for that matter.

The lazy fix for the dust buddy is to remove it in software! Just cheat and clone stamp or use some fancier method. Another fix is to take lights, and I always do a CCD clean in the camere - that clever vibrating bit - before putting the camera to the scope. After that - touch nothing :-)

There's a marked line across the lower left with an associated darker area which I'd try to get to the bottom with if I was you... Not many things are square in a scope. I can only think of the OAG prism and perhaps how it's fitted in the light cone - too far in?? Apart from that - well a fence pretty much in the line of sight on some of the subs?

I can't browse around to find similar here on SGL but I'm sure someone has seen it before and cured it!

Nice work, all the best


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