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hello from south wales ! :)


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hi guys! my names scott im 24 (as you could probably tell from my handle lol) from south wales.

im hoping to be spending a lot of time here reading up on diffrent scopes e.t.c, ready for when i will have a big wedge of cash in the summer ;).

ive always been into looking at the stars since i can really remember, but the only scope ive had was an el-cheapo refrctor my parents bought me when i was around 10. still managed to look at the moon for around 3 hours a time wondering ;)

i have been tempted and thinking about buying a proper scope for around 2 years now. spend all my free time for a week every 6 months thinking shall i get one ? but financial circumstances change and i know i will feel underwhelmed if i buy a ~6" newt

i want to do it this time around tho (spent 2 months and counting of looking about) and will probably have circa £6k to spend if all goes well by around july. the scope i find myself going back to looking at pics and reading the spec sheet every time is the celestron edge hd 11" and the cgem dx goto mount. the rest of my savings will go on filters/eyepeices/accessories for it.

after i actually learn how to use it (all the gear no idea will spring to mind :icon_confused:) i would like to take up astrophotography. ive read that it may be harder because of the focal length of the edge HD, or any SCT for that matter, but not impossible. my main concern will be if the mount can take the tube and all the camera equipment ?

i think ill stop typing now ive put you through enough of my rambling on lol :( but thats not to say dont expect more in the future :rolleyes:


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Hi Scott, with a budget like yours I would have to move from South Wales (I am A valley boy). The thought of all that kit sitting unused under 365 days of cloud and rain would make my head explode. If you think that you would be under whelmed by a six inch newt you'd be surprised, the weather and seeing conditions we have around here are terrible. If I was you I'd get a 6-8" newt first, then move up to the big boys toys after I was sure it was for me. :rolleyes: Good luck with your choice and if you do get an 11"HD edge, can I come around to play please. :icon_confused:

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Hi Scotty87,

Welcome to SGL. thats a great budget you will have there. Before you blow your hard earned cash go and have a play with some kit. The best way is usually to join any local astro club, see you have an invite above.


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Hi Scott,

Welcome to the forum.

The C11 would be a mighty instrument for planetary & lunar imaging.

With your budget, you may want to consider getting a nice APO too for any deep sky images you want to take.

Good advice above, join a local club, see what they are doing and join in.

See what is involved, and then make an informed decision as to what you want to do, and to what level. Then you will be able to make a good decision on scopes and other equipment.

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thanks guys for the warm welcomes ;)

Hi Scott welcome to SGL,there's quite a few of us in south Wales,come and join the group,we try to meet once a month if the weather permits.

thanks taffy 2 :) i would love to meet up and have a chat about scopes/mounts e.t.c on a meet. seem to lern so much more that way. the south wales astro society had a meet on caerphilly mountain i think it was the 17th. but i couldent find the pub they were in lol, im a bit glad really because it seems a bit too "formal" shall we say for me :(. BTW you in nantyglo ? im in abertillery :icon_confused:

Hi Scott, with a budget like yours I would have to move from South Wales (I am A valley boy). The thought of all that kit sitting unused under 365 days of cloud and rain would make my head explode. If you think that you would be under whelmed by a six inch newt you'd be surprised, the weather and seeing conditions we have around here are terrible. If I was you I'd get a 6-8" newt first, then move up to the big boys toys after I was sure it was for me. ;) Good luck with your choice and if you do get an 11"HD edge, can I come around to play please. :rolleyes:

HAHA! ;) its not all that bad, we must have atleast 24 good nights in a year. once a foughtnight seems good to me, but they will probably be in the week lmao :(

i know this may sound a bit snobby, i do appologise for it but i cant think of any other way of describing my thaughts. i know these astro pics take hours to build and i appreciate looking at them all, but if i bought a 6" or 8" i will feel underwhelmed by doing all that work for a pic with that level of detail. my first pic will probably be a lot worse mind, but at least i cant blame the equipment then lol :(

i think im going to need all the help i can get when i finally have enough money to get it, ill get the missus on the kettle lol :)

Hi Scott,

Welcome to the forum.

The C11 would be a mighty instrument for planetary & lunar imaging.

With your budget, you may want to consider getting a nice APO too for any deep sky images you want to take.

Good advice above, join a local club, see what they are doing and join in.

See what is involved, and then make an informed decision as to what you want to do, and to what level. Then you will be able to make a good decision on scopes and other equipment.

thanks :) i was going to get a focal reducer after my purchase for DSO's, i think celestron are working on one for it now from what ive read. is that a bad idea ?

does anyone know if the cgem dx will take a c11 and all the camera equipment comfortably ?

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Hi Scotty and welcome,

Nice budget, though personally i'd join others and try out some kit before parting with your hard earned! Perhaps spend a bit visiting Olly Penrice and trying some AP with him at Les Granges.

Whatever you do I wish you clear skies.

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