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Meteor shower?


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I saw several meteors last night which seemed to be mostly pointing back to the Pleiades/Taurus region. One was a blue-green fireball heading almost due South (10pm ish) that was one of the best I've ever seen :icon_confused:

I haven't found any particular shower listed with a radiant there, but I could be wrong - Anyone have any ideas?

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Hi I saw a couple last night. One quick normal one at around 9:30pm last night...and then at around 10:20pm also in southerly direction a massive green fireball too!!! It had a great burning trail. This is my second green fireball sighting. My previous one was the best, but this one was sill amazing. I'm in Northamptonshire.

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I saw quite a few last night too, way more than I'd normall expect to see, caught a small one in one of my images too.

Most i saw were looking west though, towards Ursa Major and back towards Cygnus?

Maybe I saw them there because that was the direction I was looking most of the night? :-)


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It's interesting you guys say this... On the 27th Nov at about 11:20PM I saw two Fireballs one of them about mag -4 the other mag-6 both streaking from Gemini/Auriga about 70Degrees Alt down all the way to the horizon towards Hydra. Both showed various colored whites reds and most predominantly blues and green...

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Yes I did see a total of one meteor last night, relatively faint with a short trail, that was heading away from the "horns" of Taurus in the lower regions of Perseus above the Pleiades. Could this be a straggler right at the end of the Taurid meteor shower that is meant to be active right up until the 2nd of December?

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