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Hi Carl

As a general rule the best advice is never to clean optics. however, if they get so mucky that you really want to then there are some options. Many use the Baader Wonder Fluid First Light Optics - Baader Optical Wonder Fluid

but I blow off any dust etc first and then use acetone to clean off any residual grease, occasionaly though I use Isopropyl Alcohol. Always use only the weight of the tissue etc and never apply too much pressure.

You can polish with the micro cloth to if you are sure all the grit/dust has gone.

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Yeah I echo Shanes comments.

It's important to make sure no grit is on the lens, I do this by firstly blasting it with a rocket blower followed by a brush with a lens brush to remove any stubborn dirt. Lastly CAREFULLY polish the lens in a circular motion to remove any grease using very little pressure.

It's far to easy to scratch the lens coatings so be very careful.

I know this after damaging the lens coating on an expensive pair of binoculars whilst out in the field one time...

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Hi Carl, yes, agree with previous posts.

For cleaning eyepieces, & refractor objectives -

1. Remove grit etc with bulb blower.

2. Put a small amount of isopropyl alcohol on a microfibre cloth.

3. Carefully clean using no or minimum pressure.

4. Repeat if necessary.

You can get isopropyl alcohol from chemists, microfibre cloth from good photo shop.

Only clean if you really have to. If you cannot decide whether cleaning is needed, then it probably isn't.

Regards, Ed.

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  • 4 weeks later...

hi all never cleaned mine yet not in 18months of use,if i am have in freinds round i use the old Meade plossls not the greatest eps but with people looking and breathing all over the eps and all the rest,i always keep the dust caps on,all the time, and no smoke in near the scopes my mates 8inch reflector as lots of fag ash on the mirror and dust i use a blusher brush my good lady got me 18 pound and its lighter than a camel hair brush .i have never put any water fluids of any kind yet

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For eyepieces I use Carl Zeiss pre-moistened Lens Cloths, which are made specifically for optical lenses and don't smear unlike the sort of spray fluids and wipes you can buy for computers, etc. - those should be avoided.

As everyone has already stated, make sure every piece of garbage on the lens has been removed first - I use a small portable hoover to gently vacuum as much off as I can before using the wipes, and just use gentle strokes with the edges of the wipe rather than actually wiping the glass.


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