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Hi from sunny Kernow (Cornwall!)


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Just taking my first step on to the forum, although I have been browsing it for a little while!

I'm based down in the heart of Cornwall and have been star gazing since my teens (a little while ago now!). I studied physics at college and took the astrophysics option but can't remember a lot about it any more! Hopefully, with time, I'll pick up some of it again.

A few summers ago I was messing around with an old refractor donated to me by an elderly neighbour and managed to hit Jupiter and track it along with 5 of it's moons (it was pure luck!). It blew me away.

I purchased a Canon 40D not long after seeing Jupiter and had the aim of building an imaging set-up but for various reasons it didn't happen! (Finance being one!)

So... my initial plan is to put together a relatively low cost (hmmm?!), portable imaging rig so I can zip round Cornwall and take some wide-field images, nightscapes, star trails and moon shots etc. just to prove how spectacular the county is at night! We'll have to see what happens after that!

I look forward to joining the community!

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